RubyGems Navigation menu


anadea-spark 0.5.0

Spark is a base Rails project that you can upgrade. It is used by anadea to get a jump ...

32,802 下載

anaf 0.1.0

Get information about a Romanian company by interogating the webserbice of the National...

2,710 下載

anaf_habtm 0.0.98

accepts_nested_attributes_for habtm

122,044 下載

anaf-web_services 0.3.1

Ruby Client library for ANAF API

2,182 下載

anagram 0.0.2

The Anagram application searches a dictionary for anagrams of words supplied on the com...

11,482 下載

anagram_algo 2.1

Simple algorithm to find and return list of anagrams from your text input.

10,318 下載

anagram-brytiuk 0.0.1


4,409 下載

anagram_find 0.1.7

Finding Anagram words

5,409 下載

anagram-learnruby 0.0.1

### Anagram

2,625 下載

anagram-mine 0.0.1

Find anagrams of words supplied on the command line

3,653 下載

anagrams 0.0.1

Returns a list of anagrams from a given list of words or from a dictionary

5,237 下載

anagram_solver 0.0.2

Reads a dictionary file and allows a user to find anagrams.

4,817 下載

anais 0.1.0

SEO Twitter.

4,273 下載

anakhi 0.1.0

TicTacToe Gem Project from Viking Code School

2,845 下載

analdiffist 0.4.0

A tool for comparing the complexity and code smells between two git revisions

24,611 下載

analects 0.4.2

Toolkit for Mandarin language learning apps

21,658 下載

analizaruptor 0.3.1

Analizaruptor is a tool that looks for 'break', 'require', and 'provides' commands (and...

17,515 下載

analog 0.4.2

Scale a number from one range or set to another

20,721 下載

analogbridge 0.1.1

Enable users to import any analog media format directly into your app with the Analog B...

5,242 下載

analogger 1.1.0

Analogger provides a fast and very stable asynchronous central logging service capable ...

16,935 下載

analtester 0.0.3

Makes some failing tests for you

11,892 下載

analtex 0.1.1

Text analysis for Ruby

6,213 下載

analysand 4.0.0

A terrible burden for a couch

30,981 下載

analysis 0.0.0

Estimation of functional subsystems' work

5,165 下載

analyst 1.2.4

A nice API for interacting with parsed Ruby source code.

247,885 下載

analytic 0.5.0


997 下載

analytica 0.0.21

Data Analysis wrapper for ruby arrays

107,997 下載

analytical 3.0.12

Gem for managing multiple analytics services in your rails app.

359,984 下載

analyticator 1.1.7

Emulate google analytics during development to test events

31,871 下載

analytico 0.3.3

Ruby client for the Analytico impression and app metric tracking service.

31,361 下載