anyflake 0.0.1
Pure ruby independent ID generator like the SnowFlake, ChiliFlake
181,669 下載
any_good 0.0.5
Is that gem any good?
11,269 下載
anyhash 0.0.1
Hash functions based on RHash
4,427 下載
Anyhub 0.0.0
An object oriented Ruby interface to Anyhub, a file storage service by Charlie Sommervi...
6,262 下載
anyicon 1.0.2
Ruby on Rails View Helpers for any icon collections that have github repository available.
865 下載
any_logger 0.2.2
A DSL for simplifying modification of Rails ActiveSupport Instrumentation API
1,878 下載
any_login 1.6.0
Simply add this gem to your application and make your life easier with switching users.
280,637 下載
any_login_multiple 0.1.9
Easy way to login with devise, multiple model
15,935 下載
any_mail_finder 0.1.0
Ruby client for AnyMailFinder API
3,284 下載
anymock 0.2.4
simple mock server for development.
12,126 下載
anyparser-core 0.1.0
A Ruby SDK for Anyparser Core
191 下載
anyplayer 1.2.1
Play/pause/skip songs in iTunes Mac, iTunes Windows, Spotify Mac, Rdio Mac, MPD, Rhythm...
45,842 下載
anypow 0.0.3
Pow for any language
13,226 下載
anypresence-icons 0.1.3
Icons for AnyPresence products.
22,481 下載
anyq 0.0.1
A gem that prints a random quote form a collection
693 下載
any_query 0.1.5
An ORM for any data source (SQL, CSV, TSV, REST API).
1,847 下載
any_sms 0.4.0
Simple and flexible solution to send sms in ruby, supporting variety of sms services.
6,646 下載
any_sms-backend-aws 0.1.1
AnySMS backend for using amazon web services sms delivery
7,091 下載
any_sms-backend-smsru 0.1.0
AnySMS backend for service
2,898 下載
any-spec 0.1.0
AnySpec is a framework for writing executable language specifications and automated bla...
15,692 下載
anystream 0.0.0
Ruby streaming client for any backend
2,427 下載
any_strong_parameter 0.0.1
Gem of
3,107 下載
anystyle 1.5.0
A sophisticated parser for academic reference lists and bibliographies based on machine...
114,135 下載
anystyle-cli 1.4.5
A command line interface to the AnyStyle Parser and Finder.
28,234 下載
anystyle-data 1.3.0
AnyStyle parser dictionary data
77,401 下載
anystyle-parser 0.8.2
A sophisticated parser for academic reference lists and bibliographies based on machine...
176,325 下載
anyt 1.4.3
Action Cable / AnyCable conformance testing tool
41,373 下載
anyt-core 1.4.3
Action Cable / AnyCable conformance testing tool
2,678 下載
anything 0.0.1
An object that matches anything. May be useful for pattern matching in case statements.
6,579 下載
anything-gorepo 0.0.6
Find local go repositories in $GOPATH by anything interface.
11,611 下載