RubyGems Navigation menu


apiha 0.0.0

An easy-to-use client library for making API requests from Ruby.

1,049 下載

api_hammer 0.19.1

actually a set of small API-related tools. very much unlike a hammer at all, which is o...

167,569 下載

api-harvester 0.0.9

Allows you to specify an endpoint to retrieve data from, parse it, and store into any d...

26,071 下載

api_header_optimizer 0.1.3

This gem helps in determining the optimal set of headers for API requests by testing va...

749 下載

api_helper 0.1.3

Helpers for creating standard web API for Rails or Grape with ActiveRecord.

31,205 下載

apihub 0.0.6

API client for

20,880 下載

apihub-baller 0.0.4

Score email addresses

10,713 下載

apihub-leadscore 0.0.2

Score email addresses

7,428 下載

apii 0.0.4

This gem provides a generic API client to interact with any HTTP hypermedia APIs.

3,064 下載

apiif 0.1.2

A gem that exposes an API based on folder structure

10,934 下載

apiify 0.1.0

apiify is a little gem that takes any .csv file and turns it into an API. It's aimed...

2,987 下載

apik 0.0.2


5,144 下載

api_key_maker 0.0.2

Using SHA1 encryption and the current time, this gem generates a random string that is ...

10,272 下載

api_key_manager 0.1.0

Manage one or more API keys to the same resource that is rate limited.

583 下載

api_key_tools 0.0.4

A tool to protect api data

14,419 下載

apikit 0.0.3

try to implement an api consumer

10,244 下載

apilayer 2.1.0

Acts as a dependency for the currency_layer and vat_layer gems. See

113,557 下載

apilayer-ruby-3 1.0.2

Acts as a dependency for the currency_layer and vat_layer gems. See

1,552 下載

apility 1.0

Keep Moochers Out. Ruby interface for Apility api, A Reputation API and Anti-Abuse Serv...

2,530 下載

apill 4.2.0

Common API functionality

133,536 下載

apillary 0.0.1

A client for the Bloc API

2,633 下載

api_log 0.1.0

Store API requests in Database

2,154 下載

api_logic 0.0.2

Mixes in to ActionController and generates default RESTful actions automatically in a h...

10,447 下載

apim 0.1.0

API manager

2,241 下載

api_mailer 0.0.9

A simple replication of ActionMailer for API based mailing that doesn't require the mai...

21,882 下載

api_maker 0.0.3

A Rails gem for generating a JavaScript API automatically based on your ActiveRecord mo...

8,043 下載

api_maker_table 0.1.1

A Rails gem for generating a JavaScript API automatically based on your ActiveRecord mo...

2,732 下載

api_mapper 0.3.0

api_mapper converts API resources in to ruby objects

7,189 下載

apimaster 0.1.4

A simple restful api framework.

46,358 下載

api_matchers 0.6.2

Collection of RSpec matchers for create your API.

933,454 下載