RubyGems Navigation menu


apoc 0.2.5

Apocalytics test runner

15,286 下載

apocalypse-404 0.0.2

404/500, panic!

8,416 下載

apocalypse-client 0.0.5

Server monitoring made easy

19,556 下載

apod 0.2.1

A library to work with NASA's astronomy pictures of the day.

11,937 下載

apod-cli 0.0.4

Uses web scraping to pull Astronomy Picture of the Day information from http://apod.nas...

13,788 下載

apogee 0.2.2

Apogee is a static site generator for people in a hurry. Sometimes you just don't need ...

4,857 下載

apohllo-colors 0.0.4

Extensions for String highliting

4,269 下載

apohllo-cyc-console 0.0.3

Ruby console for the Cyc ontology

7,490 下載

apohllo-poliqarpr 0.0.4

Ruby client for Poliqarp (NLP corpus server)

10,723 下載

apohllo-poliqarpr-corpus 1.0.0

Default corpus for Ruby client for Poliqarp (NLP corpus server)

4,383 下載

apohypaton 0.5.5

This gem went private

64,711 下載

apokochito-tictactoe 0.0.0

This is a cute gem for the tictactoe game.

2,559 下載

apollo 1.3.0

A fork of workflow: a finite-state-machine-inspired API for modeling and interacting wi...

34,212 下載

apollo-bot 0.1.0

Watson Natural Language Classifier in Ruby

3,016 下載

apollo-client 1.0.4

Ruby library for connecting some enrichment services like Apillo.

191 下載

apollo-commerce 0.1.1

Apollo Commerce is the essential e-commerce solution for lean entrepreneurs building on...

7,695 下載

apollo_commons_ruby 0.7.1

Used in ruby functions

4,221 下載

apollo_commons_ruby_cli 1.0.3

Used in ruby functions

1,722 下載

apollo-crawler 0.1.31

Gem for crawling data from external sources

276,203 下載

apollo-federation 3.10.0

A Ruby implementation of Apollo Federation

3,871,190 下載

apollo_fetch_upload_rails_middleware 1.0.0.alpha

Rails middleware for using the apollo-fetch-upload npm package on the client.

4,507 下載

apollo-grid 1.0.0.pre.alpha.3

Apollo Grid

2,091 下載

apollon 0.0.6

CLI for Apollo Fat Box

17,328 下載

apollo-ruby 1.0.5

🚀Ruby client for ctrip/apollo (

1,736 下載

apollo-studio-tracing 1.1.0

A Ruby implementation of Apollo GraphQL Studio tracing

77,844 下載

apollo-tools 0.1.7

A gem for interacting with remote hosts in various ways

23,817 下載

apollo-tracing 1.6.0

Ruby implementation of GraphQL trace data in the Apollo Tracing format.

465,073 下載

apollo_upload_server 2.1.6

apollo-upload-server implementation for Ruby on Rails as middleware.

39,224,055 下載

apollo_upload_server-ruby 9001.0

This gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...

3,437 下載

apolo 0.0.3

Metric, Monitoring & automation services framework.

4,122 下載