actioninsight 0.0.0
ActionInsight is a robust analysis and error management package tailored for the Ruby o...
694 下載
actioninteractor 0.2.7
Action Interactor provides a simple interface for performing operations like Service Ob...
63,162 下載
action_interceptor 1.2.1
Action Interceptor provides methods to store return url's across multiple requests. Use...
167,271 下載
actionio-inifile 2.0.4
Parses ansible ini files
19,158 下載
actionizer 0.15.1
Turn your classes into small, modular, reusable Actions
87,412 下載
action-jackson 0.0.1
DSL for defining dependencies between rails actions and before_filters.
10,467 下載
actionjdjackson_palindrome 0.2.1
Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
3,068 下載
actionkit 0.1.0
Add an actionkit text column to your model and use all ActionKit features.
631 下載
action_kit_api 0.4.8
Provides encapsulated object access through the ActionKit API.
332,032 下載
actionkit_connector 0.4.1
A gem for interacting with the ActionKit API.
34,169 下載
action_kit_rest 0.4.10
Gem for interacting with the ActionKit API
72,938 下載
action_labels 0.0.1
A collection of helpers to easily created internationalized crud links without bugging ...
5,843 下載
actionlimiter 1.0.0
Redis backed token bucket rate limting implementation.
5,015 下載
action_link 0.1.1
Every action has an icon, such as a "plus-sign" for the "new" action
473 下載
action_links 0.4.1
Automatically includes action links (show, edit, destroy) based on the current page and...
74,132 下載
action_logger 0.1.2
Log actions in your Rails app
35,743 下載
action_logic 0.3.3
Provides common interfaces for validating and abstracting business logic
80,574 下載
actionmailbox 8.0.2
Receive and process incoming emails in Rails applications.
269,759,902 下載
action_mailbox_amazon_ingress 0.2.0
Integrate Amazon SES with ActionMailbox
102,149 下載
action_mailbox_debug 0.1.0
This is a helper to debug Action Mailbox. It's not suitable for running on production s...
2,136 下載
actionmailbox-imap 0.2.5
Relay IMAP messages to ActionMailbox. This package requires the rust imap client binary...
19,436 下載
actionmailer 8.0.2
Email on Rails. Compose, deliver, and test emails using the familiar controller/view pa...
579,395,641 下載
actionmailer-2.3.17-rack-upgrade 2.3.17
Makes it trivial to test and deliver emails sent from a single service layer.
12,394 下載
action_mailer_auto_previews 0.1.0
Enhances the ActionMailer Previews introduced in 4.1 by automatically creating ActionMa...
3,911 下載
action_mailer_auto_url_options 1.0.3
Make ActionMailer use the current request host and protocol for URL generation
36,986 下載
actionmailer-balancer 1.2.0
Balancer for ActionMailer. Distributes emails across multiple delivery methods in the g...
2,706 下載
ActionMailer-Base-to-use-an-absolute-path-template 1.0.0
11,900 下載
action_mailer_cache_delivery 0.4.0
Cache delivery method for ActionMailer for testing emails with Selenium
647,994 下載
actionmailer-callbacks 1.1.0
adds before_create, around_create callbacks to action mailer 3
197,407 下載
action_mailer_config 2.1.0
Load ActionMailer configuration from YAML
2,747 下載