RubyGems Navigation menu


attribute_localizer 0.0.4

Attribute serialization and recall for multilingual model attributes.

21,118 下載

attribute_mapper 1.3.1

Provides a transparent interface for mapping symbolic representations to a column in th...

31,765 下載

attribute_matcher 0.3

A matcher for testing object attributes.

11,231 下載

attribute_memoization 0.1.0

Patch attr_reader to provide attribute memoization.

1,026 下載

attribute_normalizer 1.2.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

4,673,068 下載

attribute_normalizer-extras 0.2.0

Specific normalizers that we commonly use in our apps

25,855 下載

attribute_pair_generator 1.1.0

Easily generate form fields and object information fields with labels.

7,522 下載

attribute-permissions 1.0

A plugin to manage attribute permissions on ActiveRecord more effectively

10,534 下載

attribute_predicates 0.2.1

Adds automatic generation of predicate methods for attributes

24,892 下載

attribute_queryable_encrypted 0.2.0

Makes querying encrypted & salted attributes mildly less horrible

22,654 下載

attributer 0.1.0

Ruby gem for adding width and height attributes to image tags within HTML blocks

8,464 下載

attributes 5.0.1


358,318 下載

attributes1 5.0.3


10,532 下載

attribute_sanitizer 0.0.3

DSL for sanitizing inputs.

14,210 下載

attributes_dsl 0.1.1

Lightweight DSL to define PORO attributes

12,897 下載

attribute_serializer 0.5.0

Takes an object, serializes the attributes to an ordered hash based on a pre-defined sc...

30,417 下載

attributes_for 0.8.1

ActiveView Helper to present formatted ActiveModel attributes with icons.

68,653 下載

attributes_history 0.2.0

Date-granular history for specified model fields. Compact & easy to query.

14,225 下載

attributes-mapper 0.1.4

Declarative attributes mapping

1,920 下載

attributes_sanitizer 0.1.6

A simple way to append sanitizers to attributes on Rails.

871,267 下載

attributes_sort 0.2.3

Sort a collection of objects using one or more of the attributes of your object.

25,049 下載

attribute-stats 0.3.0

Attribute Stats gives you insight into which attributes are actually used in your Rails...

8,632 下載

attribute_struct 0.5.1

Attribute structures

1,264,821 下載

attribute-trackable 0.0.2.pre.rc1

A flowdown wrapper for attribute dependencies

1,715 下載

attribute_translator 0.1.0

Translate model attribute values from locales

5,081 下載

attribute_validation 0.1.0

ActiveRecord/ActiveModel validation extension which enables attributes validation.

12,617 下載

attribute-views 0.1.0

A plugin converting between value objects and record columns.

6,106 下載

attribution 0.10.0

Add attributes to Ruby objects

86,160 下載

attributor 8.0

A powerful attribute and type management library for Ruby

417,579 下載

attributor-flatpack 1.4.2

Attributor type for loading configuration data

248,679 下載