RubyGems Navigation menu


aughr-whenever 0.2.3

Provides clean ruby syntax for defining messy cron jobs and running them Whenever.

3,971 下載

augit 0.0.6

Clean up your git branches

17,217 下載

augment 1.0.1

== Usage The +augment+ executable gathers metadata in the form of layers for a given f...

10,696 下載

augmentations 0.0.1

The concern mechanism in ActiveSupport is handy but the code does a lot of stuff, most ...

4,401 下載

augmented 0.2.7

Adds a few useful extra methods to some of Ruby's core types, available as refinements.

21,507 下載

augmented_array 0.0.1

The Ruby Array class is extended with some traversing methods and you will also be able...

5,732 下載

augmented_interval_tree 0.1.1

A Ruby implementation of the Augmented Interval Tree data structure. See also: http://e...

50,671 下載

augmentor 0.0.1

Augment an ActiveRecord class by including one or moe additional ActiveRecord extension...

4,082 下載

augury 2.0.0

This gem turns a twitter feed into a fortune file that you can use with the fortune pro...

25,715 下載

august 0.0.1


3,953 下載

augustl-prowl 0.1.1

Wrapprer for prowl,

3,884 下載

augustl-redclothcoderay 0.3.5

Adds CodeRay syntax highlighting support to RedCloth, with a ‘source’ tag.

13,026 下載

augusts_fancy_blog_post_parser 0.1.1

August's fancy blog post parser

7,480 下載

aui_flash 1.0.1

support to build flash and message with the atlassian style

15,716 下載

aui-rails 0.0.1

aui for rails

4,701 下載

aukan-bitmask 0.1.0

Agnostic Bitmask and BitmaskAttribute. This gem includes Bitmask for standalone usage, ...

20,073 下載

au_loan_calculations 0.1.6

AuLoanCalculations library contains a couple of useful functions for Austrlian home loans.

2,540 下載

aun 0.0.2


6,883 下載

aunderwo-acts_as_tree 1.0.4

Allows ActiveRecord Models to be easily structured as a tree

9,968 下載

aunderwo-gcal4ruby 0.5.6

A full featured wrapper for interacting with the Google Calendar API

5,703 下載

aunderwo-gdata4ruby 0.1.6

A full featured wrapper for interacting with the base Google Data API

5,649 下載

aunderwo-roo 1.1.2

roo can access the contents of OpenOffice-, Excel- or Google-Spreadsheets

20,449 下載

auntie 0.3.0

BBC News, Weather, Sport, and TV & Radio schedules right in your shell

10,633 下載

auom 0.3.1

Algebra (with) Units Of Measurement

32,133 下載

aupair 0.1.3

A Viking Code School tool for simplifyig the pairing process.

10,902 下載

au_pair 1.0.7

AuPair provides token-based authentication and versioning for Rails API applications.

24,271 下載

auphonic 0.1.0

A ruby wrapper and CLI for the Auphonic API.

4,378 下載

au_pincode 0.1.0

when provided AU pincode it will return state.

2,551 下載

aupost 0.1.3

Please go to for more details

16,546 下載

aura 0.0.1.pre10

Aura is a CMS.

2,724 下載