RubyGems Navigation menu


AuraPrint 0.0.5

A gem which manages printing between barcodeWeb and the user's machine.

9,214 下載

aurb 1.4.1

An AUR (Arch User Repository) utility

77,641 下載

aurelia 0.1.1

Integrate in your Rails project.

5,950 下載

aurelian-contacts 0.3.3

Ruby library for consuming Google, Yahoo!, Flickr and Windows Live contacts APIs.

9,986 下載

aurelian-ruby-ahocorasick 0.6.2

Expose Aho-Corasick implementation from Strmat to Ruby.

31,541 下載

aurelian-ruby-stemmer 0.5.4

Stemmer implementation to ruby using libstemmer_c. Working with ruby 1.9.1

3,926 下載

aurels-backuper 0.3

Simple unix server backup tool

6,983 下載

aurels-misc_validators 0.1

A collection of misc usefull validators for ActiveRecord::Base

3,973 下載

aurels-rbib 2.0

BibTeX parser written in Ruby

15,849 下載

aureus 3.0.5

Aureus is a tool to quickly generate admin interfaces for a rails app. Its between scaf...

73,751 下載

aurfy 1.0.0

Ruby client for Aurfy

14,699 下載

auric-vault-door 0.0.6

Provides access to API at

16,118 下載

aurisimo_palindrome 0.2.0

Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector.

3,292 下載

aurita-gui 0.5.9

Aurita::GUI provides an intuitive and flexible API for object-oriented creation of pri...

68,318 下載

aur_json 0.0.6

Query the Arch User Repository RPC interface

21,631 下載

aurora 0.2.0

A Simple Authentication Server

18,087 下載

aurora-data-api 0.1.4

Doesn't depend on ActiveRecord and takes advantage of PORO (plain old Ruby object) like...

4,154 下載

aurora-dxf 0.0.4

Read and write DXF files using Ruby

7,273 下載

aurora_file_processor 0.1.0

The gem takes exactly one energy file and one power file generated by the inverter. The...

4,121 下載

aurora-geometry 0.0.5

Geometric primitives and algorithms for Ruby

13,709 下載

aurora-sketch 0.0.2

Sketches used in the creation of mechanical designs

7,439 下載


Aurora is a clean, responsive Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages with immersive design

13,203 下載

aur.rb 0.2.0

A set of utilities to handle archlinux packages databases and aur installation.

4,167 下載

aurum 0.2.0

Aurum is a LALR(n) parser generator written in Ruby.

15,288 下載

ausburbs 0.2.1

A simple gem for accesssing basic data about suburbs across Australia, including latitu...

15,208 下載

ausca 0.1.1

Ausca is a collection of automation utilities that you can use to fast-track the develo...

8,894 下載

auser-aska 0.0.9

The basics of an expert system

19,202 下載

auser-backcall 0.0.2

Add basic memory-efficient before and after callbacks, easily

3,956 下載

auser-butterfly 0.0.5

An HTTP mini server to query against modular adaptors

12,929 下載

auser-columbus 0.0.6


19,036 下載