RubyGems Navigation menu


attr_readonly 1.0.0

Provide a new macro like attr_accessor to make real read_only accessors to frozen dup o...

8,065 下載

attr_readwrite 1.1.0

The opposite of ActiveRecord's attr_readonly.

14,113 下載

attr_redactor 0.4.0

Generates attr_accessors that redact certain values in the JSON structure before saving.

14,140 下載

attr_remote 0.0.7

Painlessly integrate ActiveResource into ActiveRecord.

6,007 下載

attr_required 1.0.2

attr_required and attr_optional

65,390,041 下載

attrs 0.0.2

Yet another attributes on steroids gem

8,190 下載

attr_sanitizable 1.0.0

Active Record extention to sanitize your inputspec.

13,211 下載

attr_searchable 0.0.7

[DEPRECATION] 'attr_searchable' is deprecated. Migrate to 'search_cop' instead.

26,281 下載

attr_secure 0.4.1

Securely stores activerecord model attributes

30,525 下載

attr_sequence 1.0.1

An ActiveRecord concern that generates scoped sequential IDs for models.

4,414 下載

attr_serializer 0.1.0

quickly specify model attributes that should be serialized when to_json is called

2,840 下載

attr_setting 1.0.0

Supplies macro similar to attr_accessor that adds default values, predicate methods, an...

4,169 下載

attr_similar 0.0.2

Rails plugin that provides attr_similar helper to declare similarity-matching attribute...

11,217 下載

attr_slug 1.0.0

An ActiveRecord concern to automatically generate slug fields.

2,333 下載

attr_statements 0.1.1

Generate attributes with strong types and validations.

5,013 下載

attr_symbol 0.0.4

Attributes marked with the attr_symbol method can be set using strings or symbols, but ...

54,736 下載

attrtastic 0.4.3

Rails view helper for scaffolding show/index pages for objects

81,383 下載

attr-translatable 0.1.4

attr-translatable gem allows attributes of ActiveRecord to be translated.

21,492 下載

attr_translate 1.0.1

Rails concern for ActiveRecord attribute translation using PostgreSQL's JSONB datatype.

4,132 下載

attr_typecastable 0.0.1

attr_accessor with typecast feature.

13,839 下載

attr_typed 1.0.5

Enforce attribute types at assignment time

18,006 下載

attr-utils 0.2.0

Utilities of class attributes in Ruby language

6,025 下載

attr_uuid 1.1.0

This gem makes binary uuid attribute easy to use

13,695 下載

attr_validator 0.2.3

Object validation library

30,559 下載

attr_value_object 0.1.0

defines getter and setter via Value Object to separate logic from model

2,458 下載

attr_vault 2.1.2

Encryption at rest made easy

354,873 下載

att_speech 0.0.6

A Ruby library for consuming v3 of the AT&T Speech API for speech->text, and text->spee...

24,162 下載

att-swift 1.0

A wrapper for OpenStack Object Storage v1 (aka Swift). Swift provides redundant storag...

5,750 下載

attsynaptic-synaptic4r 0.1.5

CLI and Ruby REST Client for ATT Synaptic Storage

7,255 下載

attune 1.0.21

Client for the Attune product ranking API.

132,769 下載