aurora 0.2.0
A Simple Authentication Server
18,280 下載
aurora-data-api 0.1.4
Doesn't depend on ActiveRecord and takes advantage of PORO (plain old Ruby object) like...
4,452 下載
aurora-dxf 0.0.4
Read and write DXF files using Ruby
7,398 下載
aurora_file_processor 0.1.0
The gem takes exactly one energy file and one power file generated by the inverter. The...
4,194 下載
aurora-geometry 0.0.5
Geometric primitives and algorithms for Ruby
13,951 下載
aurora-sketch 0.0.2
Sketches used in the creation of mechanical designs
7,566 下載
Aurora is a clean, responsive Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages with immersive design
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aur.rb 0.2.0
A set of utilities to handle archlinux packages databases and aur installation.
4,292 下載
aurum 0.2.0
Aurum is a LALR(n) parser generator written in Ruby.
15,444 下載
ausburbs 0.2.1
A simple gem for accesssing basic data about suburbs across Australia, including latitu...
15,480 下載
ausca 0.1.1
Ausca is a collection of automation utilities that you can use to fast-track the develo...
9,104 下載
auser-aska 0.0.9
The basics of an expert system
19,546 下載
auser-backcall 0.0.2
Add basic memory-efficient before and after callbacks, easily
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auser-butterfly 0.0.5
An HTTP mini server to query against modular adaptors
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auser-columbus 0.0.6
19,380 下載
auser-dslify 0.1.0
25,652 下載
auser-macmap 0.0.2
= macmap Ever wanted to map your interface to an ip? If you haven't, why not? Alas, ...
6,990 下載
auser-parenting 0.0.4
Easily add parents to classes
7,047 下載
auser-poolparty 1.3.17
PoolParty: The easy, open-source, cross-cloud management solution
335,703 下載
auser-poolparty-extensions 0.1.1
Extensions on to of poolparty
13,306 下載
auser-reloadable 0.0.0
4,014 下載
auser-rest-client 1.0.1
A simple REST client for Ruby, inspired by the Sinatra microframework style of specifyi...
7,120 下載
auser-ruberl 0.0.3
A quick and dirty module you can include in your classes to give you an easy connection...
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auser-skelerl 0.0.7
Erlang skeleton application
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auser-sprinkle 0.1.6
Ruby DSL based software provisioning tool
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auser-suitcase 0.0.7
16,226 下載
auslander 0.1.0
Its a really cool gem
3,395 下載
aus_phones 0.9.1
AusPhones validates and identifies Australian phone numbers by region and type (mobile,...
3,656 下載
auspost 0.8.6
Give you the ability to search the Australia Post Web site with either Suburb or Postco...
10,938 下載
aus_post_api 1.0.0
Wrapper for Australia Post's developer API
3,928 下載