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autoforme 1.13.0

AutoForme is an web administrative console for Sequel::Model that supports Roda, Sinatr...

72,968 下載

autogc 0.0.3

A small library for fixing an urgent memory corruption bug in Ruby 1.9.3.

8,854 下載


an example gem for automation team

7,003 下載

auto-gemsets 0.4.1

auto-gemsets creates a gemset named after the parent directory of every Gemfile you enc...

51,040 下載

auto_gem_updater 0.2.2

Auto Update Gems

14,885 下載

autogen_rspec 1.0.1

This gem is used to create rspec for an already running project

14,822 下載

autogen_sindb 0.1.2

This gem auto-generates a Sinatra and Database file structure. Modify at your discretion

6,266 下載

autogg 0.2.5

converts a folder of flacs to ogg, preserving directory structure

28,119 下載

autogitc 0.3.3

This gem simplifies the commit process by automatically generating descriptive commit m...

1,516 下載

autograph 0.3.1

Autograph wraps httperf, running multiple tests while varying the parameters, graphing ...

20,146 下載

auto_grapher 0.1.0

Easy GraphQL for Rails

2,500 下載

autographql 0.0.4

Automagically generate GraphQL types and queries

8,331 下載

autogrow-textarea-rails 3.1.0

Rails asset pipeline around Autogrow-Textarea

45,121 下載

autoguid 1.1

Autoguid lets you trivially add human readable uuids to all your models, a whitelist...

7,034 下載

autohash 1.0.0

Hashes where keys can be automatically calculated based on the value inserted

3,725 下載

auto_hash 0.3.1

A Ruby on Rails plugin to automate hashing an activerecord field using bcrypt; an activ...

20,238 下載

auto_html 2.1.1

Collection of filters for transforming text into HTML code

1,078,383 下載

auto_html-contrib 0.1.1

Filters for `auto_html` gem

15,939 下載

auto_html-whistlerbrk 2.0.0.pre

Automatically transforms URIs (via domain) and includes the destination resource (Vimeo...

2,596 下載

auto-hyde 0.1.1

A simple sinatra app exposing a url for github post-receive hooks to hit and trigger a ...

10,425 下載

auto_increment 1.6.2

Automaticaly increments an ActiveRecord column

734,083 下載

autoindex 1.0.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

3,489 下載

autoini 0.2.0

Parser / writer for INI files

7,249 下載

auto_initializer 0.0.1

include AutoInitializer to automatically assign all arguments provided to constructor a...

2,894 下載

auto-insurance-service-client 0.0.1

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

1,307 下載

autoirb 0.1.0

Run binding.irb automatically when an error occurs.

2,668 下載

autoit 1.3.4

AutoIt is a gem to integrate in your automation project and tests using the AutoIt soft...

18,212 下載

autoit-ffi 0.0.5

FFI bindings for AutoIt

8,493 下載

autojenkins 0.2

Library to remotely control Jenkins CI. Autojenkins can fetch, create, enable/disable a...

8,398 下載

auto_js 1.0.1

Easily organizes a project's custom javascript and executes appropriate snippits automa...

11,753 下載