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active_record-errors-localize 0.1.1

Deafault ActiveRecord::Errors class doesn't localize erorr messages. In some cases, we ...

4,426 下載

activerecord_eternal_validator 0.1.1

ActiveRecord validator, which prevent change column on update

4,820 下載

active_record_events 0.0.3

Broadcasts lifecycle events (create, update, destroy) for ActiveRecord models

11,403 下載

active_record-events 4.1.2

An ActiveRecord extension providing convenience methods for timestamp management.

68,053 下載

active-record-ex 0.2.2

A library to make ActiveRecord::Relations even more awesome

15,175 下載

activerecord-except 0.1.0

Provides `ActiveRecord::Relation#except`, a convenience method that let's you select al...

2,234 下載

activerecord-exception-adapter 0.1.0

ActiveRecord adapter that raises an exception when used

4,594 下載

activerecord-exclusive-arc 0.3.1

An ActiveRecord extension for polymorphic exclusive arc relationships

47,117 下載

activerecord_execute_raw 0.1.2

ActiveRecord-JDBC fetches ids of inserted records when you call connection.execute(). t...

29,643 下載

activerecord-explain-analyze 0.1.0

Extends ActiveRecord#explain with support for EXPLAIN ANALYZE and output formats of JSO...

29,693,309 下載

activerecord-explainer 0.2.4

This gem automatically logs SQL EXPLAIN of every queries. You can check naturally every...

23,431 下載

active_record_extended 3.3.0

Adds extended functionality to Activerecord Postgres implementation

6,024,706 下載

activerecord-extended_support 0.0.9

A collection of gems aimed to provide extended database support (Unsigned columns, Comm...

32,326 下載

active_record_extended_telescope 2.0.1

Adds extended functionality to Activerecord Postgres implementation

2,749 下載

activerecord-extensions 0.1.4

Tools to help parametrize queries.

22,894 下載

activerecord-fast-import 0.2.1

Native MySQL additions to ActiveRecord, like LOAD DATA INFILE, ENABLE/DISABLE KEYS, TRU...

71,517 下載

activerecord-fast-import2 0.2.1

Native MySQL additions to ActiveRecord, like LOAD DATA INFILE, ENABLE/DISABLE KEYS, TRU...

10,012 下載

activerecord-fb-adapter 1.0.3

ActiveRecord Firebird Adapter for Rails 3 and 4 with support for migrations.

111,035 下載

active_record_filter 0.2.0

Break large filters into components and see how each component affects the result

12,563 下載

activerecord-filter 8.0.0

A safe way to accept user parameters and query against your ActiveRecord Models

106,866 下載

active_record_filterable 1.1.1

Easy way to add scopes to your models.

43,345 下載

activerecord_filter_by 0.1.0

ActiveRecord extension to filter records by a given set of parameters

732 下載

active_record-filter_with_scope 0.1.2

ActiveRecord::FilterWithScope extends Rails ActiveRecord gently to filter records out o...

1,367 下載

activerecord-find_duplicates 0.1.0

Easily find all duplicate records)

3,418 下載

activerecord-find_each_ordered 0.1.0

Allow custom sort order with find_each behavior

4,011 下載

activerecord_finder 0.1.4

Better finder syntax (|, &, >=, <=) for ActiveRecord.

22,587 下載

activerecord-find_only 0.4.1

Provides find_only and find_only! query methods

12,688 下載

activerecord-firewall 1.0.0

A simple hello world gem

2,674 下載

active_record_fix_integer_limit 0.1.7

This fixes the DEFAULT_LIMIT set to 4 bytes in ActiveModel::Type:Integer.

14,574 下載

activerecord-fixture_builder 0.0.1

A simple fixture builder for active record

5,551 下載