activerecord-mysql-reconnect 0.5.0
It is the library to reconnect automatically when ActiveRecord is disconnected from MySQL.
2,022,528 下載
activerecord-mysql-reconnect-before-retry 0.5.0
It is the library to reconnect automatically when ActiveRecord is disconnected from MySQL.
2,316 下載
activerecord-mysql-reconnect-new 0.6.0
It is the library to reconnect automatically when ActiveRecord is disconnected from MySQL.
1,113 下載
active_record_mysql_spatial 0.3.0
MySQL Spatial Data Types for ActiveRecord
467 下載
activerecord-mysqlspatial-adapter 0.4.1
This is an ActiveRecord connection adapter for MySQL Spatial Extensions. It is based on...
63,517 下載
activerecord-mysql-sql-cache 0.1.1
An ActiveRecord extension for enabling SQL_CACHE and SQL_NO_CACHE in MySQL queries
7,390 下載
activerecord_mysql_strict 0.2.1
ActiveRecord::MySQL::Strict adds validations to ActiveRecord models to make sure they d...
21,553 下載
activerecord-mysql-structure 0.0.3
Cleaner structure.sql for MySQL.
12,097 下載
activerecord-mysql-unsigned 0.3.1
Add unsigned option to integer type for ActiveRecord's MySQL2 adapter
389,162 下載
activerecord-mysql-uuid-column 0.6.0
Adds a :uuid column to ActiveRecord MySQL2 Adapter. Store UUIDs as 16 bytes binary column.
12,933 下載
active_record_mysql_xverify 0.4.0
It is a library that performs extended verification when an error occurs when executing...
224,554 下載
active_record-narcissus 0.0.1
Improves the class reflection of relationships
2,445 下載
activerecord-native_db_types_override 0.3.0
Define native database types and change default migration behavior in ActiveRecord/Rails.
1,090,771 下載
active_record_nearest_neighbor 0.3.4
Adds scopes to your models to perform nearest neighbor queries with PostGIS and Postgre...
24,570 下載
activerecord-nested_attribute_destruction 0.2.0
Check if nested attributes were destroyed during the last save
5,236 下載
active_record-nested_attributes-destroy_if 0.3.4
Adds :destroy_if option to accepts_nested_attributes_for, which is basically a stronger...
6,054 下載
active_record-nested_error_indexer 0.1.0
Monkey patch to index nested errors for ActiveRecord 4
4,969 下載
activerecord_nested_scope 1.3.1
An ActiveRecord extension to build nested scopes through pre-defined associations
19,064 下載
activerecord-netezza-adapter 0.1.1
ActiveRecord adapter for Netezza. For use with JRuby. Requires a separate Netezza JDB...
17,192 下載
activerecord-normalizations 1.1.0
Normalize your ActiveRecord models' attributes
6,891 下載
active_record_not 1.0.2
Adds NOT logic to ActiveRecord
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active_record_no_table 0.0.1
Very simple implementation of tableless
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activerecord-not_nil 0.0.2
Add support for a not_nill type to active record.
1,356 下載
activerecord-null 0.1.1
Create Null Objects for ActiveRecord models with automatic support for empty associations.
632 下載
activerecord-nulldb-adapter 1.1.1
A database backend that translates database interactions into no-ops. Using NullDB enab...
18,609,939 下載
activerecord_null_object 0.8.0
Implements the Null Object Pattern for nil values in ActiveRecord associations.
365,288 下載
activerecord-nuodb-adapter 2.0.3
An adapter for ActiveRecord and AREL to support the NuoDB distributed database backend.
52,821 下載
activerecord-obscuredid 0.2.0
This gem provides functionality to encode and decode model IDs into Base32-obscured str...
313 下載
activerecord-odbc-adapter 2.0
ODBC Data Adapter for ActiveRecord
32,337 下載
activerecord-odbc-adapter-openedge 2.3.7
ODBC Data Adapter for ActiveRecord
34,173 下載