acube-rails 0.0.4
ACube api wrapper for rails
715 下载
acuforce 0.4.1
Provides an API for the following actions: * Logging in and Logging out * Creating a sp...
40,208 下载
acuitydata 0.0.4
A client for using API in Ruby. This is an unofficial project.
1,130 下载
acumatica 0.7.0
A wrapper for the acumatica API
18,253 下载
ac_uniquify 0.1.0
Generate a unique token with Active Record
8,038 下载
acunote-ruby-prof 0.9.2
ruby-prof is a fast code profiler for Ruby. It is a C extension and therefore is many t...
7,465 下载
acv2lrtemplate 0.2.1
Easily convert .acv (Photoshop Curves) to .lrtemplate (Adobe Lightroom Preset) files.
6,562 下载
acvwilson-acvwilson-currency 0.6.0
Currency conversions for Ruby
7,853 下载
Currency conversions for Ruby
35,270 下载
acw 1.3.3
Active Campaign Wrapper.
15,273 下载
acxiom 0.0.1
Wrapper for Acxiom API.
3,591 下载
ad 1.1.1
A wrapper around Ruby's net-ldap library to ease authentication and record finding
11,486 下载
a_d 0.0.1
Tools for interacting with Active directory. Geared towards user authentication against...
4,514 下载
ad2games-ui_components 2.4.2
UI components for ad2games projects
51,743 下载
ada 0.1.0
3,571 下载
adaboost 0.0.4
AdaBoost classifier!
12,287 下载
adacosta-labilerecord 0.0.9
* Simple data access for dynamic data sets through postgres with ruby
28,427 下载
ada_dev 0.0.1
A gem to automate Ada Dev life
5,041 下载
adafruit_charlcd 0.1.0
A port of the Adafruit_Python_CharLCD Library
2,844 下载
adafruit-io 2.0.0
API Client Library for the Adafruit IO product
30,245 下载
adafruit-servo-driver 0.0.2
A Ruby implementation of Adafruit's Python library for the Adafruit PCA9685 16-Channel ...
7,446 下载
ad_agency 0.1.2
One of the facilities I missed in moving from hoe to jeweler was the ability to easily ...
19,028 下载
ad_agent 0.0.6
31,118 下载
ad-agent_architecture 0.0.24
Architecture/Schema for AI Agents
3,953 下载
adal 1.0.0
Windows Azure Active Directory authentication client library
561,548 下载
adalog 0.5.0
A not-quite logger, with several storage methods. Records occurrences, provides a web a...
9,895 下载
adam 1.6.0
Adam is a library for all things EVE
63,304 下载
adam12-maxmind 0.1.2
4,390 下载
adam6050 0.1.4
This library implements a server that emulates the functionality of the network connect...
10,346 下载
adama 0.1.5
Command and Invoker pattern.
17,697 下载