aureus 3.0.5
Aureus is a tool to quickly generate admin interfaces for a rails app. Its between scaf...
75,028 下載
aurfy 1.0.0
Ruby client for Aurfy
15,011 下載
auric-vault-door 0.0.6
Provides access to API at
16,413 下載
aurisimo_palindrome 0.2.0
Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector.
3,420 下載
aurita-gui 0.5.9
Aurita::GUI provides an intuitive and flexible API for object-oriented creation of pri...
69,032 下載
aur_json 0.0.6
Query the Arch User Repository RPC interface
21,990 下載
aurora 0.2.0
A Simple Authentication Server
18,290 下載
aurora-data-api 0.1.4
Doesn't depend on ActiveRecord and takes advantage of PORO (plain old Ruby object) like...
4,467 下載
aurora-dxf 0.0.4
Read and write DXF files using Ruby
7,404 下載
aurora_file_processor 0.1.0
The gem takes exactly one energy file and one power file generated by the inverter. The...
4,197 下載
aurora-geometry 0.0.5
Geometric primitives and algorithms for Ruby
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aurora-sketch 0.0.2
Sketches used in the creation of mechanical designs
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Aurora is a clean, responsive Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages with immersive design
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aur.rb 0.2.0
A set of utilities to handle archlinux packages databases and aur installation.
4,299 下載
aurum 0.2.0
Aurum is a LALR(n) parser generator written in Ruby.
15,454 下載
ausburbs 0.2.1
A simple gem for accesssing basic data about suburbs across Australia, including latitu...
15,486 下載
ausca 0.1.1
Ausca is a collection of automation utilities that you can use to fast-track the develo...
9,117 下載
auser-aska 0.0.9
The basics of an expert system
19,565 下載
auser-backcall 0.0.2
Add basic memory-efficient before and after callbacks, easily
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auser-butterfly 0.0.5
An HTTP mini server to query against modular adaptors
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auser-columbus 0.0.6
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auser-dslify 0.1.0
25,679 下載
auser-macmap 0.0.2
= macmap Ever wanted to map your interface to an ip? If you haven't, why not? Alas, ...
6,996 下載
auser-parenting 0.0.4
Easily add parents to classes
7,053 下載
auser-poolparty 1.3.17
PoolParty: The easy, open-source, cross-cloud management solution
336,106 下載
auser-poolparty-extensions 0.1.1
Extensions on to of poolparty
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auser-reloadable 0.0.0
4,017 下載
auser-rest-client 1.0.1
A simple REST client for Ruby, inspired by the Sinatra microframework style of specifyi...
7,126 下載
auser-ruberl 0.0.3
A quick and dirty module you can include in your classes to give you an easy connection...
7,080 下載
auser-skelerl 0.0.7
Erlang skeleton application
22,478 下載