activerecord_translatable 0.1.0
translatable activerecord attributes
24,302 ダウンロード数
active_record-translated 0.2.0
Separate database records for each language, grouped together with an ID
1,180 ダウンロード数
activerecord-trilogis-adapter 7.0.2
ActiveRecord connection adapter for MySQL. It is based on the stock MySQL adapter, and ...
1,368 ダウンロード数
activerecord-trilogy-adapter 3.1.2
Active Record adapter for
166,720 ダウンロード数
activerecord-turntable 4.4.1
ActiveRecord sharding extension
151,450 ダウンロード数
active_record_tweaks 0.2.5
ActiveRecord is great, but could be better. Here are some tweaks for it.
21,596 ダウンロード数
activerecord-typedstore 1.6.0
ActiveRecord::Store but with type definition
2,374,574 ダウンロード数
active_record-type-encrypted_string 0.2.1
Provides encrypted string attributes to Active Record models
17,794 ダウンロード数
activerecord-type-symbol 0.5.0
Adds a symbol attribute type to activerecord
12,205 ダウンロード数
activerecord-ulid 0.1.0
Add ULID support to ActiveRecord
756 ダウンロード数
activerecord_uml 0.14.0
Generate UML class diagram for Mermaid.js from ActiveRecord instances by Rails runner.
17,514 ダウンロード数
active_record_union 1.3.0
UNIONs in ActiveRecord! Adds proper union and union_all methods to ActiveRecord::Relation.
18,418,241 ダウンロード数
active_record-union_relation 0.3.1
Create ActiveRecord relations from UNIONs
19,634 ダウンロード数
active_record_uniqueness_via_db 0.1.2
Extend ActiveRecord uniqueness validations with via: :db option.
9,563 ダウンロード数
activerecord_unitwise 0.1.91
ActiveRecord extensions for Unitwise.
3,696 ダウンロード数
activerecord_unload_all_fixtures 0.1.4
remove all fixtures associated with activerecord models
28,159 ダウンロード数
activerecord-update 0.1.0
Batch updating for ActiveRecord models
10,421 ダウンロード数
activerecord-update_counters_with_values 1.0.2
Update ActiveRecord counter and update instance value
16,006 ダウンロード数
active_record-updated_at 0.0.2
Touch `updated_at` by default with calls to `update_column(s)` and `update_all`
227,471 ダウンロード数
active_record_upsert 0.11.2
Real PostgreSQL 9.5+ upserts using ON CONFLICT for ActiveRecord
3,055,429 ダウンロード数
activerecord_upsert 0.3.0
Support MySQL's INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE in ActiveRecord
8,660 ダウンロード数
activerecord_url_connections 0.0.7
Allows database connections to be defined as URLS, then converted to hash for use in Ac...
59,744 ダウンロード数
activerecord-userstamp 3.0.4
This gem extends ActiveRecord::Base to add automatic updating of created_by and updated...
42,264 ダウンロード数
activerecord-utils 0.4.1
activerecord-utils - utilities (e.g. random, alias_attr, etc.) for activerecord
143,712 ダウンロード数
active_record_uuid 0.3.1
active_record_uuid is a nice gem that add uuid supports to your activerecord models (My...
49,782 ダウンロード数
activerecord_uuid 0.0.2
UUID extension for ActiveRecord
12,874 ダウンロード数
activerecord-uuid 0.9.1
Installs blah blah blah
19,556 ダウンロード数
activerecord_uuid_as_pk 1.0.0
activerecord_uuid_as_pk is a extension for ActiveRecord to enable to use uuid for id at...
8,703 ダウンロード数
activerecord-uuid-order 0.8.0
Order for UUID
16,744 ダウンロード数
activerecord-validate_unique_child_attribute 0.1.0
Guarantee uniqueness of a single attribute across one or more children of an ActiveReco...
52,266 ダウンロード数