Dependencias inversas para aasm La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren aasm
activeadmin_addons 1.10.2
Set of addons to help with the activeadmin ui
8.458.306 Descargas
aasm-diagram 0.1.3
Automatically generate diagrams of AASM state machines.
1.476.935 Descargas
circuit_breaker 1.1.2
CircuitBreaker is a relatively simple Ruby mixin that will wrap a call to a given serv...
678.787 Descargas
tramway-core 5.0
Core for all Tramway Rails Engines
336.080 Descargas
rocketjob 6.3.1
Ruby's missing batch processing system.
333.995 Descargas
ecom_core 1.3.14
An engine which contains the core of a construction management app as a layer.
182.363 Descargas
active_cart 0.0.18
You can use active_cart as the basis of a shopping cart system. It's not a shopping car...
181.309 Descargas
dalliance 0.11.0
Background processing for ActiveRecord using a 'delayable' worker and a state_machine
144.306 Descargas
naranya_ecm-sdk 0.0.63
Cliente Ruby de NaranyaEcm para aplicaciones cliente.
142.909 Descargas
vesr 1.1.1
VESR provides support for ESR number calculations and gives ready to use Rails components.
141.420 Descargas
cms-fortress 1.3.15
Comfortable Mexican Sofa (CMS) - User and role management extension
125.181 Descargas
payola-payments 1.5.1
One-off and subscription payments for your Rails application
120.398 Descargas
rails_admin_aasm 0.3.0
Manage model's state with AASM and rails_admin
108.647 Descargas
branston 0.6.6
An agile user story tracker that generates gherkin files and step definitions for use w...
96.195 Descargas
aasm_mermaid 0.1.0
Generate Mermaid diagrams from AASM state machines
93.367 Descargas
uffizzi_core 2.4.10
79.262 Descargas
erp_tech_svcs 4.2.0
This engine is implemented with the premise that services like logging, tracing and enc...
76.783 Descargas
stonepath 0.6.3
Stateful workflow modeling for Rails
75.321 Descargas
notify_user 0.3.2
Drop-in solution for user notifications. Handles notifying by email, SMS and APNS, plus...
71.407 Descargas
plug 0.2.0
Rails engine that can plug/unplug features with notice
59.005 Descargas
proclaim 0.6.6
Most Rails blogging tools include everything you could ever want, including things yo...
53.750 Descargas
refinerycms-stores 0.1.0
Complete engine for Stripe gateway-based shopping cart to be used with a RefineryCMS pr...
50.572 Descargas
muck-commerce 3.0.1
Add ecommerce functionality to your muck project. This includes integration with Paypa...
45.582 Descargas
punto_pagos_rails 1.6.0
Rails engine to manager transactions using acidlabs's puntopagos-ruby gem
40.848 Descargas
flyboy 1.1.0
37.404 Descargas
defmastership 1.3.0
Handling of references and definitions with asciidoctor
37.074 Descargas
binda 0.1.11
A modular CMS for Ruby on Rails 5 with an intuitive out-of-the-box interface to manage ...
36.706 Descargas
lasha 0.8.1
This rails plugin aims to be a general helper gem for as many rails apps as possible. ...
36.527 Descargas
The Forge CMS dependency gem.
35.781 Descargas
publify_core 10.0.2
Core engine for the Publify blogging system, formerly known as Typo.
35.668 Descargas