actionpack 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 actionpack
jquery-datatables-rails 3.4.0
jquery datatables for rails
7,380,852 下载
protected_attributes_continued 1.9.0
Protect attributes from mass assignment
7,128,755 下载
canonical-rails 0.2.17
Configurable, but assumes a conservative strategy by default with a goal to solve many ...
7,077,018 下载
redis-session-store 0.11.6
A drop-in replacement for e.g. MemCacheStore to store Rails sessions (and Rails session...
6,691,556 下载
record_tag_helper 1.0.1
ActionView Record Tag Helpers
6,420,288 下载
administrate 0.20.1
Administrate is heavily inspired by projects like Rails Admin and ActiveAdmin, but aims...
5,693,686 下载
propshaft 1.1.0
Deliver assets for Rails.
5,466,307 下载
simple_token_authentication 1.18.1
Simple (but safe) token authentication for Rails apps or API with Devise.
5,078,062 下载
committee-rails 0.8.0
Committee for rails
4,787,419 下载
api-auth 2.5.1
Full HMAC auth implementation for use in your gems and Rails apps.
4,632,901 下载
rails-api 0.4.1
Rails::API is a subset of a normal Rails application, created ...
4,612,555 下载
active_interaction 5.5.0
ActiveInteraction manages application-specific business logic. It is an implementation ...
4,576,368 下载
cells-rails 0.1.6
Convenient Rails support for Cells.
4,168,009 下载
apollo-federation 3.10.0
A Ruby implementation of Apollo Federation
3,897,905 下载
lol_dba 2.4.0
lol_dba is a small package of rake tasks that scan your application models and displays...
3,821,395 下载
maintenance_tasks 2.11.0
A Rails engine for queuing and managing maintenance tasks
3,738,917 下载
versioncake 4.1.1
Render versioned views automagically based on the clients requested version.
3,736,556 下载
hamlit-rails 0.2.3
hamlit-rails provides generators for Rails 4.
3,628,320 下载
routing-filter 0.7.0
Routing filters wraps around the complex beast that the Rails routing system is, allowi...
3,512,711 下载
strong_parameters 0.2.3
Permitted and required parameters for Action Pack
3,505,210 下载
twitter-typeahead-rails 0.11.1
twitter-typeahead-rails packages the typeahead.js jquery plugin for rails
3,392,489 下载
rails-reverse-proxy 0.13.0
Reverse proxy for Ruby on Rails
3,199,162 下载
solidus_core 4.5.1
Essential models, mailers, and classes for the Solidus e-commerce project.
3,189,959 下载
route_translator 14.2.0
Translates the Rails routes of your application into the languages defined in your loca...
3,185,985 下载
mandrill_mailer 1.8.0
Transactional Mailer for Mandrill
3,011,667 下载
rails_param 1.3.1
Parameter Validation and Type Coercion for Rails
2,794,635 下载
meta_search 1.1.3
Allows simple search forms to be created against an AR3 model and its association...
2,745,811 下载
actionpack-cloudflare 1.1.0
Simple gem that extends Rails `request.remote_ip` to default to Cloudflare's `HTTP_CF_C...
2,619,539 下载
spree_core 4.10.1
Spree Models, Helpers, Services and core libraries
2,513,652 下载
autodoc 0.8.0
Auto-generate JSON API documents from your request-specs.
2,410,023 下载