amqp 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 amqp
sensu-transport 8.3.0
The Sensu transport abstraction library
1,082,401 下載
goliath 1.0.7
Async framework for writing API servers
402,638 下載
beetle 3.5.7
A highly available, reliable messaging infrastructure
371,984 下載
chef-expander 10.30.4
A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration managemen...
284,754 下載
apollo-crawler 0.1.31
Gem for crawling data from external sources
276,726 下載
evented-spec 0.9.0
Simple API for writing asynchronous EventMachine and AMQP specs. Runs legacy EM-Spec ba...
200,428 下載
cucumber-nagios 0.9.2
cucumber-nagios helps you write behavioural tests for your systems and infrastructure, ...
194,147 下載
droid 1.1.1
Easy to use AMQP Library with constructs for typical usage patterns
175,368 下載
coney_island 0.17.6
An industrial-strength background worker system for rails using RabbitMQ.
167,809 下載
omf_common 6.2.3
Common library of OMF, a generic framework for controlling and managing networking test...
162,786 下載
esp-commons 0.6.1
Description of EspCommons.
155,157 下載
peatio 3.1.1
Peatio gem contains microservices and command line tools
136,202 下載
gorgon 0.11.1
Gorgon provides a method for distributing the workload of running a ruby test suites. I...
130,435 下載
pipeline_toolkit 1.5.0
Command line tools for processing messages by constructing a pipeline of workers. ...
124,798 下載
celerb 0.3.19
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
120,675 下載
amqp-spec 0.3.8
Simple API for writing asynchronous EventMachine and AMQP specs. Runs legacy EM-Spec ba...
118,676 下載
superbolt 0.7.5
Superbolt is comprised of a standalone app, and a queue-like queue for sending messages...
101,948 下載
slnky 0.13.0
core slnky lib and command line
98,894 下載
logstash-lite 0.2.20110505142231
scalable log and event management (search, archive, pipeline)
90,928 下載
isono 0.2.23
Messaging and agent fabric
88,388 下載
smith 0.8.9
Simple multi-agent framework. It uses AMQP for it's messaging layer.
84,834 下載
amqp-utils 0.5.1
Command line utilies for interacting with AMQP compliant queues. The intention is...
81,562 下載
lapine 2.0.3
Talk to rabbits
80,822 下載
nezu 0.9.4
Skel generator and launcher for amqp consumers.
80,407 下載
minion 0.1.15
Super simple job queue over AMQP
79,421 下載
moqueue 0.1.4
Mocktacular Companion to AMQP Library. Happy TATFTing!
72,378 下載
amqp-boilerplate 1.2.0
Collection of modules that aid in setting up AMQP producers and consumers.
71,550 下載
queueing_rabbit 0.6.2
QueueingRabbit is a Ruby library providing a flexible DSL to interact with a Rabbit...
67,848 下載
cf-runtime 0.2.0
Cloud Foundry Runtime Library
65,972 下載
omnibot 0.0.22
Works with AMQP for sending messages at server side.Sends notifications to an user via ...
65,697 下載