RubyGems Navigation menu

arbre 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 arbre

activeadmin 3.2.2

The administration framework for Ruby on Rails.

32,781,047 下載

express_templates 0.11.20

Write templates in Ruby for building reusable view components

125,485 下載

yousty-activeadmin 1.0.17.pre

The administration framework for Ruby on Rails.

46,823 下載

activeadmin_sidekiq_stats 0.1.2

Sidekiq Stats In ActiveAdmin Dashboard

18,180 下載

crud_menu 0.0.4

Quickly generate a CRUD menu description

13,599 下載

ilex 0.1.9

Extends view components to allow rendering inline arbre templates

12,464 下載

active_administration 0.0.3

Active Administration is a Ruby on Rails framework for creating professional administra...

12,448 下載

activeadmin-rb 1.6.0

The administration framework for Ruby on Rails.

9,183 下載

activeadministration 0.0.2

Active Administration is a Ruby on Rails framework for creating professional administra...

8,637 下載

aa-rails4 0.6.0

The administration framework for Ruby on Rails.

7,719 下載

active_admin-elastic_stats 0.0.4

Active Admin component to display elastic statistics.

7,265 下載

hollandaise 0.1.1

Get delicious screenshots from Sauce Labs, easily

7,214 下載

activeadmin-orac 1.0.0

The administration framework for Ruby on Rails.

6,692 下載

navtastic 0.2.0

Define and render complex navigation menus

6,403 下載

cuke-api-docs 0.0.2

Cucumber formatter that produces HTML API documentation

5,887 下載

active_admin-sidekiq_stats 0.0.2

Active Admin component to display Sidekiq statistics.

5,355 下載

html_meta 0.0.1

Helps with constructing meta tags

4,149 下載

elastic_stats 0.0.1

Gem for elastic statistics.

2,617 下載

cedar-component 0.1.2

Extends view components to allow rendering inline arbre templates

2,364 下載

arbre-form 0.1.0

Implements Arbre components for forms

2,339 下載

activeadmin_decorator 0.4.0

Decorate Rails models in ActiveAdmin. With `ActiveAdmin::ArbreDecorator` you can keep y...

1,246 下載

總下載次數 36,302,311

這個版本 14,146



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7

新版本需要 MFA: true

使用 MFA 發布的版本: true
