artifice 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 artifice
kensa 3.1.0
Kensa is a command-line tool to help add-on providers integrating their services with H...
296,075 下載
socialcastr 0.2.19
A Ruby wrapper for the Socialcast REST API
78,592 下載
asset-resource 0.5.0
Manage CSS/JS assets as dynamic resources rather than static files
49,931 下載
rallycat 0.4.1
The Rally website sucks. CLI is better.
21,896 下載
exception_resource 0.1.4
Save your exceptions
19,296 下載
artifice-passthru 0.1.1
Artifice extension that allows you to let certain requests pass thru to use HTTP
17,450 下載
fakerclip 0.1.1
Simulate writing and reading from S3 by using your filesystem as a Fake S3.
13,423 下載
fakeapi 0.0.3
FakeAPI o
10,561 下載
sqew 0.2.0
a lightweight background processor
10,172 下載
xplenty-kensa 1.4.7
Kensa is a command-line tool to help add-on providers integrating their services with X...
9,126 下載
smstraderb 0.1.0
smstraderb provides a client library for the HTTP API.
8,460 下載
psm 0.1.2
Print Stuff Mail provides an RESTful API for sending snail mail. This library eases int...
8,130 下載
datapathy 0.6.0
The stupid-simple ORM for HTTP web services
4,848 下載
tracker-hook-forwarder 0.1.0
A simple rack app that acts as an Activity Web Hook endpoint to Pivotal Tracker and for...
4,342 下載