async-container 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 async-container
falcon 0.51.1
A fast, asynchronous, rack-compatible web server.
893,564 下载
async-service 0.13.0
A service layer for Async.
273,136 下载
turbo_test 0.2.0
Press the turbo button... for your tests.
35,319 下载
async-container-supervisor 0.5.1
A supervisor for managing multiple container processes.
6,051 下载
mayu-live 0.0.6
Mayu Live is a live updating server side VirtualDOM framework for Ruby, inspired by mod...
3,135 下载
senna 0.0.1
High performance, background jobs for Ruby.
2,577 下载
async-runner 0.1.2
Abstract runner with container-based parallelism using threads and processes where appr...
824 下载