Dépendances inversées pour autotest-rails-pure Latest version of the following gems require autotest-rails-pure
hubspot-api-client 19.0.0
HubSpot Ruby API client
4 790 365 Téléchargements
docusign_esign 5.0.0
The Docusign package makes integrating Docusign into your apps and websites a super fas...
4 488 185 Téléchargements
MailchimpMarketing 3.0.80
The official Ruby client library for the Mailchimp Marketing API
2 002 784 Téléchargements
MailchimpTransactional 1.0.59
The official Ruby client library for the Mailchimp Trainsactional API
1 895 001 Téléchargements
sib-api-v3-sdk 9.1.0
Official SendinBlue provided RESTFul API V3 ruby library
1 348 052 Téléchargements
vericite_api 1.5.3
VeriCite Api
554 516 Téléchargements
kubernetes-io 1.0.0.pre.alpha2
Kubernetes official ruby client to talk to kubernetes clusters.
518 663 Téléchargements
square_connect 2.20190724.1.334
The Square Connect Ruby SDK is retired. Please migrate to the new Square gem: https://g...
497 414 Téléchargements
purecloudplatformclientv2 98.0.0
A Ruby library to interface with the PureCloud Platform API
295 011 Téléchargements
clever-ruby 2.0.2
The Clever API
275 619 Téléchargements
cloudmersive-convert-api-client 2.3.0
Convert files and content between file formats. Convert data between file formats. Inst...
260 812 Téléchargements
rustici_software_cloud_v2 4.0.0
SCORM Cloud API V2 Client
245 725 Téléchargements
smooch-api 5.34.1
The Smooch API is a unified interface for powering messaging in your customer experienc...
240 728 Téléchargements
docusign_admin 2.0.0
The Docusign Admin API enables you to automate user management with your existing syste...
210 258 Téléchargements
cybersource_rest_client 0.0.70
Simple REST API for the CyberSource Global Payments Platform
200 385 Téléchargements
rbflagr 1.1.12
Flagr is a feature flagging, A/B testing and dynamic configuration microservice. The ba...
197 271 Téléchargements
wordnik 4.12
This gem provides a simple interface to the entire Wordnik API. Its methods are defined...
154 998 Téléchargements
dkron-rb 1.1.0
You can communicate with Dkron using a RESTful JSON API over HTTP. Dkron nodes usually ...
126 098 Téléchargements
purecloud 0.70.1
A Ruby library to interface with the PureCloud Platform API
115 003 Téléchargements
clicksend_client 5.0.75
This is an official SDK for [ClickSend](https://clicksend.com) Below you will find a c...
104 292 Téléchargements
connectwise-ruby-sdk 2.0.3
Ruby gem for interacting with ConnectWise's REST API
101 152 Téléchargements
atrium-ruby 2.10.7
A ruby wrapper for the MX API.
97 583 Téléchargements
cloudmersive-virus-scan-api-client 2.2.0
Virus API lets you scan files and content for viruses and identify security issues with...
90 392 Téléchargements
intrinio-sdk 6.35.0
Welcome to the Intrinio API! Through our Financial Data Marketplace, we offer a wide se...
85 503 Téléchargements
aspose_cells_cloud 25.3
Ruby Cloud SDK wraps Aspose.Cells REST API so you could seamlessly integrate Microsoft ...
84 960 Téléchargements
cloudmersive-image-recognition-api-client 2.0.5
Image Recognition and Processing APIs let you use Machine Learning to recognize and pro...
81 997 Téléchargements
budgea_client 5.6.0
Budgea API Documentation Ruby Gem
78 389 Téléchargements
iron_titan 0.4.9
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
71 009 Téléchargements
mockserver-client 5.3.0
MockServer enables easy mocking of any system you integrate with via HTTP or HTTPS with...
67 813 Téléchargements
khipu-api-client 2.9.1
This gem maps to a swagger API
64 710 Téléchargements