Dependencias inversas para autotest La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren autotest
role_model 0.8.2
Ever needed to assign roles to a model, say a User, and build conditional behaviour on ...
5.467.505 Descargas
hubspot-api-client 19.0.0
HubSpot Ruby API client
4.686.124 Descargas
docusign_esign 5.0.0
The Docusign package makes integrating Docusign into your apps and websites a super fas...
4.417.846 Descargas
ach 0.6.5
ach is a Ruby helper for building and parsing ACH files. In particular, it helps with f...
2.614.558 Descargas
MailchimpMarketing 3.0.80
The official Ruby client library for the Mailchimp Marketing API
1.973.322 Descargas
MailchimpTransactional 1.0.59
The official Ruby client library for the Mailchimp Trainsactional API
1.858.237 Descargas
sib-api-v3-sdk 9.1.0
Official SendinBlue provided RESTFul API V3 ruby library
1.333.228 Descargas
em_aws 1.0.1
An em-http-request handler for the aws-sdk for Fiber based asynchronous ruby applicatio...
826.309 Descargas
hot_tub 1.1.0
Flexible connection pooling for Ruby.
768.592 Descargas
vericite_api 1.5.3
VeriCite Api
553.168 Descargas
kubernetes-io 1.0.0.pre.alpha2
Kubernetes official ruby client to talk to kubernetes clusters.
518.562 Descargas
square_connect 2.20190724.1.334
The Square Connect Ruby SDK is retired. Please migrate to the new Square gem: https://g...
496.813 Descargas
savon-multipart 2.1.2
Adds multipart support (SOAP with Attachments) to Savon
493.519 Descargas
muck-engine 3.5.0
The base engine for the muck system. Contains common tables, custom for, css and javas...
466.461 Descargas
restfully 1.3.0
Consume RESTful APIs effortlessly
317.505 Descargas
purecloudplatformclientv2 98.0.0
A Ruby library to interface with the PureCloud Platform API
294.685 Descargas
clever-ruby 2.0.2
The Clever API
274.099 Descargas
cloudmersive-convert-api-client 2.3.0
Convert files and content between file formats. Convert data between file formats. Inst...
258.967 Descargas
rustici_software_cloud_v2 4.0.0
SCORM Cloud API V2 Client
242.913 Descargas
smooch-api 5.34.1
The Smooch API is a unified interface for powering messaging in your customer experienc...
240.212 Descargas
em-hot_tub 1.1.0
EventMachine version of HotTub.
218.364 Descargas
docusign_admin 2.0.0
The Docusign Admin API enables you to automate user management with your existing syste...
207.111 Descargas
cybersource_rest_client 0.0.69
Simple REST API for the CyberSource Global Payments Platform
197.048 Descargas
rbflagr 1.1.12
Flagr is a feature flagging, A/B testing and dynamic configuration microservice. The ba...
196.411 Descargas
ivy4r 0.12.10
Ivy4r is a Ruby interface for Apache Ivy dependency management library. Offers support ...
196.045 Descargas
konjac 0.3.4
A Ruby command-line utility for translating files using a YAML wordlist
191.646 Descargas
wordnik 4.12
This gem provides a simple interface to the entire Wordnik API. Its methods are defined...
154.775 Descargas
simple_model 1.4.3
Simpifies building tableless models or models backed by webservices. Create data type s...
150.736 Descargas
structure_flatter 0.2.0
Flattens hash-array structures by removing redundant information.
141.277 Descargas
apn_on_rails 0.5.1
APN on Rails is a Ruby on Rails gem that allows you to easily add Apple Push Notifica...
128.044 Descargas