RubyGems Navigation menu

awesome_print 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 awesome_print

case_transform 0.2

Extraction of the key_transform abilities of ActiveModelSerializers

71,589,373 下载

ecma-re-validator 0.4.0

Validate a regular expression string against what ECMA-262 can actually do.

40,932,537 下载

slim-rails 3.7.0

Provides the generator settings required for Rails to use Slim

36,056,677 下载

pact-support 1.21.2

Shared code for Pact gems

29,162,475 下载

jsonb_accessor 1.4

Adds typed jsonb backed fields to your ActiveRecord models.

18,021,065 下载

jsonb_accessor 1.4

Adds typed jsonb backed fields to your ActiveRecord models.

18,021,065 下载

smarter_csv 1.13.1

Ruby Gem for convenient reading and writing of CSV files. It has intelligent defaults, ...

17,065,554 下载

rails_best_practices 1.23.2

a code metric tool for rails codes, written in Ruby.

16,786,164 下载

scrypt 3.0.8

The scrypt key derivation function is designed to be far more secure against hardwa...

14,577,932 下载

counter_culture 3.8.2

counter_culture provides turbo-charged counter caches that are kept up-to-date not just...

14,088,600 下载

omniauth-cas3 1.1.4

CAS 3.0 Strategy for OmniAuth

13,717,770 下载

elasticsearch-extensions 0.0.33

Extensions for the Elasticsearch Rubygem

10,731,180 下载

simple-random 1.0.3

Simple Random Number Generator including Beta, Cauchy, Chi square, Exponential, Gamma, ...

8,588,968 下载

hubspot-ruby 0.9.0

hubspot-ruby is a wrapper for the HubSpot REST API

8,148,543 下载

sorbet-rails 0.7.34

Set of tools to make Sorbet work with Rails seamlessly.

7,383,984 下载

rspec-snapshot 2.0.3

Adding snapshot testing to RSpec

5,326,254 下载

pedump 0.6.10

dump headers, sections, extract resources of win32 PE exe,dll,etc

5,315,815 下载

parse_packwerk 0.26.0

A low-dependency gem for parsing and writing packwerk YML files

4,082,411 下载

facebookbusiness 22.0.0

The official Facebook Business API SDK for Ruby.

3,942,609 下载

metainspector 5.15.0

MetaInspector lets you scrape a web page and get its links, images, texts, meta tags...

3,106,863 下载

boxr 1.22.0

A Ruby client library for the Box V2 Content API.

2,978,209 下载

icalendar-recurrence 1.2.0

Provides recurrence to icalendar gem.

2,968,053 下载

sql_enum 1.0.0

Enable using native sql enums

2,789,045 下载

caboose-cms 1.0.2

CMS built on rails with love.

2,768,003 下载

state_machines-rspec 0.6.0

RSpec matchers for state_machines. Forked from modocache/state_machine_rspec to work wi...

2,551,435 下载

calabash-cucumber 0.23.7

calabash-cucumber drives tests for native iOS apps. You must link your app with calabas...

2,384,098 下载

daru 0.3

Daru (Data Analysis in RUby) is a library for analysis, manipulation and visualization ...

2,342,605 下载

switch_user 1.5.4

Easily switch current user to speed up development

2,277,152 下载

elastic-app-search 7.10.0

API client for accessing the Elastic App Search API with no dependencies.

1,939,368 下载

puppet-debugger 1.4.0

A interactive command line tool for evaluating and debugging the puppet language

1,879,239 下载

下载总量 246,447,981

这个版本 83,943,860




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
