Dependencias inversas para aws-sdk-autoscaling La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren aws-sdk-autoscaling
aws-sdk-resources 3.225.0
The official AWS SDK for Ruby. Provides both resource oriented interfaces and API clien...
342.957.035 Descargas
train-aws 0.2.41
Allows applications using Train to speak to AWS; handles authentication, cacheing, and ...
2.600.899 Descargas
prima-twig 1.4.0
Our tools to manage git and github
1.654.366 Descargas
inst-jobs-autoscaling 2.1.1
AWS ASG autoscaling for inst-jobs
492.284 Descargas
awful 0.0.185
AWS cmdline and yaml loader.
463.209 Descargas
MovableInkAWS 2.8.12
AWS Utility methods for MovableInk
316.013 Descargas
hako 2.17.0
Deploy Docker container
311.891 Descargas
autocanary24 0.6.1
autocanary24 provides a small convenient module for blue/green and canary deployments w...
202.787 Descargas
moonshot 3.0.4
A library and CLI tool for launching services into AWS.
196.490 Descargas
elbas 3.0.4
Capistrano plugin for deploying to AWS AutoScale Groups.
187.315 Descargas
terraforming 0.18.0
Export existing AWS resources to Terraform style (tf, tfstate)
172.698 Descargas
capistrano-asg 0.8.0
Capistrano plugin for deploying to AWS AutoScale Groups. Deploys to all instances in a ...
169.500 Descargas
web47core 3.2.20
Core components used in all our web products.
150.896 Descargas
cloudformation-tool 1.5.19
A pre-compiler tool for CloudFormation YAML templates
107.074 Descargas
terrafying 1.8.5
103.614 Descargas
openstax_utilities 5.1.2
Shared utilities for OpenStax web sites
99.040 Descargas
ruby_aem_aws 3.0.0
ruby_aem_aws is a Ruby client for Shine Solutions Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Platfo...
97.955 Descargas
cfn_manage 0.8.3
Start and stop aws resources in a cloudformation stack
74.733 Descargas
stax 0.1.16
Stax is a flexible set of ruby classes for wrangling your cloudformation stacks.
73.553 Descargas
aerosol 1.10.0
Instance-based deploys made easy
59.433 Descargas
capistrano-autoscale 1.0.20
Deploys to all instances in a AWS AutoScale group.
58.683 Descargas
eks_cli 0.4.9
A utility to manage and create EKS (Kubernetes) cluster on Amazon Web Services
47.091 Descargas
lucid-cumulus 0.11.21
Cumulus allows you to manage your AWS infrastructure by creating JSON configuration fil...
43.891 Descargas
ecs_deploy 1.0.7
AWS ECS deploy helper
34.140 Descargas
hashicorptools 2.1.0
Wrappers for terraform and packer
31.958 Descargas
aws-asg-fleet 0.1.3
AWS Auto Scaling Fleets
28.632 Descargas
knuckle_cluster 2.3.4
Interrogation of AWS ECS clusters, with the ability to directly connect to hosts and co...
25.181 Descargas
infopark-aws_utils 1.0.1
A utility lib to ease the use of the AWS SDK
22.693 Descargas
capistrano-asg-rolling 0.5.1
Capistrano plugin for performing rolling updates to AWS Auto Scaling Groups using Insta...
20.387 Descargas
openstax_aws 2.1.0
openstax IaC
15.567 Descargas