Dépendances inversées pour aws-sdk-cognitoidentityprovider Latest version of the following gems require aws-sdk-cognitoidentityprovider
aws-sdk-resources 3.225.0
The official AWS SDK for Ruby. Provides both resource oriented interfaces and API clien...
342 905 352 Téléchargements
train-aws 0.2.41
Allows applications using Train to speak to AWS; handles authentication, cacheing, and ...
2 600 213 Téléchargements
omniauth-cognito-idp 0.1.1
Use the Amazon Cognito IdP with OmniAuth
263 912 Téléchargements
warden-cognito 1.0.0
[Unofficial] Authentication Strategy for Warden to allow Amazon Cognito user sign in an...
82 752 Téléchargements
aws-cognito-srp 0.6.1
Unofficial Ruby library implementing AWS Cognito's SRP authentication flow
30 920 Téléchargements
cognito_rails 1.4.0
Add Cognito authentication to your Rails API
12 477 Téléchargements
cognito-sync-service 1.1.0
With this gem you can implement: CRUD functionality from you application, synchronize y...
10 515 Téléchargements
console_tracker 0.0.0.pre.beta3
Users authentication in console and their activity tracking
9 961 Téléchargements
uc3-dmp-cognito 0.0.9
Helpers for Cognito IdP access
4 675 Téléchargements
simplicity_client 0.2.5
This gem can log into Simplicity and fetch fund balances
1 668 Téléchargements