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aws-sdk-ec2 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 aws-sdk-ec2

aws-sdk-resources 3.225.0

The official AWS SDK for Ruby. Provides both resource oriented interfaces and API clien...

342,904,008 下載

fluent-plugin-ec2-metadata 0.1.3

Fluentd output plugin to add Amazon EC2 metadata fields to a event record

24,050,054 下載

bolt 4.0.0

Execute commands remotely over SSH and WinRM

2,792,451 下載

train-aws 0.2.41

Allows applications using Train to speak to AWS; handles authentication, cacheing, and ...

2,600,186 下載

kitchen-ec2 3.19.0

A Test Kitchen Driver for Amazon EC2

2,287,351 下載

knife-ec2 2.1.6

Amazon EC2 Support for Chef's Knife Command

1,335,246 下載

fluent-plugin-elb-log 1.4.0

Amazon ELB log input plugin for fluentd

1,155,295 下載

aws_ro 1.4.0

Wrpper library of AWS SDK objects to enable to access properties more easily, more rub...

911,575 下載

beaker-aws 1.0.0

For use for the Beaker acceptance testing tool

669,738 下載

stack_master 2.16.0

StackMaster is a sure-footed way of creating, updating and keeping track of Amazon (AWS...

488,463 下載

awful 0.0.185

AWS cmdline and yaml loader.

462,838 下載

ufo 6.3.13

AWS ECS Deploy Tool

347,236 下載

aws_security_viz 0.2.4

Provides a quick mechanism to visualize your EC2 security groups in multiple formats

329,928 下載

lono 7.5.2

The CloudFormation Framework

319,152 下載

MovableInkAWS 2.8.12

AWS Utility methods for MovableInk

315,978 下載

hako 2.17.0

Deploy Docker container

311,768 下載

cfhighlander 0.13.7

DSL on top of cfndsl. Manage libraries of cloudformation components

227,052 下載

capistrano-hivequeen 7.7.3

Capistrano extensions for interacting with HiveQueen

214,352 下載

moonshot 3.0.4

A library and CLI tool for launching services into AWS.

196,485 下載

elbas 3.0.4

Capistrano plugin for deploying to AWS AutoScale Groups.

187,242 下載

terraforming 0.18.0

Export existing AWS resources to Terraform style (tf, tfstate)

172,687 下載

capistrano-asg 0.8.0

Capistrano plugin for deploying to AWS AutoScale Groups. Deploys to all instances in a ...

169,466 下載

ec2ssh 5.1.0

ec2ssh is a ssh_config manager for AWS EC2

137,332 下載

stemcell 0.15.0

A tool for launching and bootstrapping EC2 instances

117,690 下載

minimal_pipeline 0.3.4

Helper gem to orchestrate pipeline tasks

110,351 下載

cloudformation-tool 1.5.19

A pre-compiler tool for CloudFormation YAML templates

106,934 下載

idlc-sdk-deploy 1.0.31

Provides deploy libraries for idlc-sdk. This gem is part of the IDLC SDK

105,419 下載

terrafying 1.8.5


103,611 下載

ruby_aem_aws 3.0.0

ruby_aem_aws is a Ruby client for Shine Solutions Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Platfo...

97,950 下載

meroku 2.0.31

No Description

87,583 下載

總下載次數 205,470,561

這個版本 24,773




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.5
