aws-sdk-ec2 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 aws-sdk-ec2
capistrano-aws 1.4.0
Allow dynamically add servers based on EC2.
79,881 下載
ec2-host 1.0.3
Search hosts on AWS EC2
79,259 下載
shards 3.6
The gem read a conf.yml file in a puppet project to know the multitenant sites and shar...
77,066 下載
fluent-plugin-rds-pgsql-log 0.5.0
fluentd plugin for Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL log input
76,323 下載
broadside 3.3.2
A command-line tool for EC2 Container Service deployment.
75,249 下載
cfn_manage 0.8.3
Start and stop aws resources in a cloudformation stack
74,678 下載
stax 0.1.16
Stax is a flexible set of ruby classes for wrangling your cloudformation stacks.
73,552 下載
aws-ec2 1.4.9
Simple tool to create AWS ec2 instances consistently with pre-configured settings
65,647 下載
cfn-guardian 0.11.11
Manages AWS cloudwatch alarms with default templates using cloudformation
61,743 下載
wrapbox 0.10.0
Ruby method runner on AWS ECS
61,116 下載
aerosol 1.10.0
Instance-based deploys made easy
59,414 下載
capistrano-autoscale 1.0.20
Deploys to all instances in a AWS AutoScale group.
58,525 下載
soror 0.2.1
Search for EC2 instances by tags
48,372 下載
eks_cli 0.4.9
A utility to manage and create EKS (Kubernetes) cluster on Amazon Web Services
47,063 下載
aws-rds 0.6.0
Simple tool to create AWS RDS db instances consistently with pre-configured settings
45,567 下載
lucid-cumulus 0.11.21
Cumulus allows you to manage your AWS infrastructure by creating JSON configuration fil...
43,890 下載
ami_spec 1.8.2
Acceptance testing your AMIs
42,227 下載
swa 0.8.6
AWS, backwards
41,674 下載
awsutils 2.2.2
A set of tools for interacting with AWS
39,131 下載
sonic-screwdriver 2.2.7
Multi-functional tool to manage AWS infrastructure
36,266 下載
cfn-vpn 1.5.0
creates and manages resources for the aws client vpn
35,383 下載
ecs_deploy 1.0.7
AWS ECS deploy helper
34,118 下載
hashicorptools 2.1.0
Wrappers for terraform and packer
31,940 下載
founders_template 0.4.0
The command line tool used to manage the Founder's Template
30,120 下載
ecl 3.0.4
Simple ssh helper for Amazon EC2
30,088 下載
pec2 0.7.1
run parallel ssh command. ec2 tag base operation.
29,423 下載
aws_ec2_dns_name 0.1.6
Simpler interface to AWS EC2 dns name
28,907 下載
mappru 0.1.8
Mappru is a tool to manage VPC Route Table.
27,373 下載
forger 3.0.2
Create EC2 Instances with preconfigured settings
27,312 下載
knuckle_cluster 2.3.4
Interrogation of AWS ECS clusters, with the ability to directly connect to hosts and co...
25,180 下載