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aws-sdk-kinesisの被依存関係 以下のgemの最新版はaws-sdk-kinesisを必要としています

aws-sdk-resources 3.225.0

The official AWS SDK for Ruby. Provides both resource oriented interfaces and API clien...

342,861,847 ダウンロード数

fluent-plugin-kinesis-aggregation 0.4.1

Fluentd output plugin that sends KPL style aggregated events to Amazon Kinesis.

40,852,897 ダウンロード数

logstash-logger 0.26.1

Ruby logger that writes directly to LogStash

21,427,618 ダウンロード数

fluent-plugin-kinesis 3.5.0

Fluentd output plugin that sends events to Amazon Kinesis.

13,955,565 ダウンロード数

train-aws 0.2.41

Allows applications using Train to speak to AWS; handles authentication, cacheing, and ...

2,599,648 ダウンロード数

jets 6.0.5

Jets is a Serverless Deployment Service. Jets makes it easy to deploy and run your app ...

727,794 ダウンロード数

journaled 6.0.0

A Rails engine to durably deliver schematized events to Amazon Kinesis via DelayedJob.

345,944 ダウンロード数

conrad 3.0.0

Tool for auditing events.

182,087 ダウンロード数

lucid-cumulus 0.11.21

Cumulus allows you to manage your AWS infrastructure by creating JSON configuration fil...

43,887 ダウンロード数

nypl_ruby_util 0.1.1

A repository of common utilities for NYPL Ruby application

18,325 ダウンロード数

send_aws_kinesis_event 1.0.5


15,499 ダウンロード数

zoo_stream 1.1.0

A wrapper around AWS Kinesis client to make sure all our applications publish messages ...

15,482 ダウンロード数

fluent-plugin-kinesis-modified 3.1.5

Fluentd output plugin that sends events to Amazon Kinesis. Forked from fluent-plugin-ki...

6,827 ダウンロード数

logstash-logger-p 0.26.1

Ruby logger that writes directly to LogStash

4,357 ダウンロード数

kismet 0.1.1

Kismet offers a quick way to dump data to a AWS Kinesis stream

3,572 ダウンロード数

adp-fluent-plugin-kinesis 0.0.2

Fork of plugin created by AWS

3,276 ダウンロード数

jets_bb_fork 0.0.4

Fork of rubyonJets - emergency fix for handling AWS CF 60 Output limit. Will PR later....

2,703 ダウンロード数

logstash-logger-yajl 0.27.0

Ruby logger that writes directly to LogStash

2,187 ダウンロード数

fluentd-plugin-kinesis-intuit 2.1.1

Fluentd output plugin that sends events to Amazon Kinesis.

2,123 ダウンロード数

kcl-rb 1.0.0

A pure ruby interface for Amazon Kinesis Client.

2,047 ダウンロード数

logstash-output-kinesis-iot 0.1.13

This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...

1,417 ダウンロード数

jets.benforeva 3.0.17.pre.mount.pre.fix

This is a fix for mounted rack apps. It resets the gem to an inbetween commit between 3...

453 ダウンロード数

累計ダウンロード数 167,208,961

このバージョンのみ 317,540




必要なRubyのバージョン: >= 2.5
