RubyGems Navigation menu

binding_of_caller 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 binding_of_caller

pry-stack_explorer 0.6.1

Walk the stack in a Pry session

41,249,664 下載

rspec-parameterized-table_syntax 1.0.1

RSpec::Parameterized supports simple parameterized test syntax in rspec.

29,230,842 下載

google-cloud-debugger 0.42.2

google-cloud-debugger is the official library for Stackdriver Debugger.

1,258,456 下載

istox 0.3.9

istox backend shared gem

594,284 下載

tzu_mock 1.4.0

Simple library for mocking Tzu in RSpec

492,396 下載

watir-screenshot-stitch 0.8.0

Extends Watir to take stitched-together screenshots of full web pages.

481,747 下載

metadata_presenter 3.4.5

Service Metadata Presenter for the MoJ Forms product

341,597 下載

kuhsaft 2.6.3

Kuhsaft is a Rails engine that offers a simple CMS.

296,908 下載

pry-alias 0.0.1

binding.pry is too long to type. This gem enables you to create alias for binding.pry.

282,599 下載

deep-cover-core 1.1.0

Core functionality for the DeepCover gem.

211,850 下載

immunio 2.0.4

IMMUNIO protects your web app from security vulnerabilities by monitoring requests in r...

204,815 下載

mihari 8.1.0

A query aggregator for OSINT based threat hunting

199,515 下載

minimum_viable_product 0.7.15

Built for Developers. Ideal for MVPs, product ideation and validation.

169,545 下載

express_admin 1.8.1

ExpressAdmin is the admin menu framework used by, ExpressBlog, etc.

161,795 下載

hanami-webconsole 2.2.0

Hanami webconsole for development

158,743 下載

carnival 0.3.2

Carnival is an easy-to-use and extensible Rails Engine to speed the development of data...

148,720 下載

translation_center 2.0.2

Translation Center is a multi lingual web engine for Rails 3 apps. It builds a translat...

141,062 下載

eitil 2.0.9

Eitil (eitje utility) never stops increasing your life's efficacy and productivity, yay...

137,852 下載

webdrone 1.18.2

See webpage for more info.

111,674 下載

semantic-ui-rails 0.18.0

UI is the vocabulary of the web

97,007 下載

uploadbox 0.2.0

Uploadbox makes easy to manage files in your Rails application.

95,142 下載

fuel 0.4.10

Fuel's goal is to be a simple yet customizable blogging gem.

95,086 下載

better_errors-pry 1.0.3

Addon to Better Errors that adds Pry to the REPL.

88,254 下載

qa_server 8.0.1

A rails engine with questioning authority gem installed to serve as an authority search...

85,730 下載

polygallery 0.4.8

Polymorphic galleries made simple.

81,462 下載

binding_of_callers 0.2.3

a wrapper of binding_of_caller, for easy use

76,851 下載

cesium 1.24.0

WebGL Virtual Globe and Map Engine as Rails' Engine

68,846 下載

ginatra 4.1.0

Git repository viewer with a rocking good web interface

66,010 下載

superbara 0.15.1

Better way to build Capybara tests

65,103 下載

fae-rails 3.0.0

CMS for Rails. For Reals.

61,011 下載

總下載次數 153,952,341

這個版本 12,008,259




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.0.0
