Dépendances inversées pour biodiversity Latest version of the following gems require biodiversity
dwc-archive 1.1.9
Darwin Core Archive is the current standard exchange format for GLobal Names Architectu...
339 374 Téléchargements
taxamatch_rb 1.1.2
The purpose of Taxamatch gem is to facilitate fuzzycomparison of two scientific name re...
93 828 Téléchargements
gn_crossmap 4.0.3
Gem uses a checklist in a comma-separated format as an input, and returns back a new co...
81 097 Téléchargements
parsley-store 0.3.6
Scientific Names Parser with Cached Results
61 034 Téléchargements
Gem uses a checklist in a comma-separated format as an input, and returns back a new co...
33 058 Téléchargements
dwca_hunter 0.7.2
Gem harvests data from a variety of formats and converts incoming data to DwCA format.
18 292 Téléchargements