RubyGems Navigation menu

byebug 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 byebug

orbit_activities 0.2.3

This gem helps you build custom activities for Orbit workspaces using the Orbit API

311,905 下载

lockup 1.7.1

A simple gem to more elegantly place a staging server or other in-progress application ...

311,382 下载

confg 3.0.1

Config the pipes

310,735 下载

lono 7.5.2

The CloudFormation Framework

307,605 下载

activejob-cancel 0.3.2

activejob-cancel provides cancel method to Active Job

304,191 下载

xero_gateway 2.7.0

Enables Ruby based applications to communicate with the Xero API

303,523 下载

dor-services-client 14.14.0

A client for dor-services-app

303,010 下载

churnalizer 0.1.3

Analyze your Ruby application for Churn vs Complexity

300,079 下载

sambot 0.1.229

# Sambot Sambot is our internal Platform Engineering toolchain to help standardize and...

298,279 下载

fixture_factory 0.3.0

Factories via fixtures

297,026 下载

private_gem 1.2.1

Keeps your private gems private

293,775 下载

zuora-ruby 0.7.0

A Ruby wrapper for Zuora API.

284,973 下载

dekiru 0.6.0

Usefull helper methods for Ruby on Rails

283,794 下载

idempotent-request 0.2.1

Rack middleware ensuring at most once requests for mutating endpoints.

282,853 下载

kaseya 0.3.0

Ruby client for the Kaseya BMS and VSA APIs

268,822 下载


Octoball provides Octopus-like database sharding helper methods for ActiveRecord 6.1 or...

268,529 下载

camaleon_cms 2.7.5

Camaleon CMS is a dynamic and advanced content management system based on Ruby on Rails...

265,912 下载

fukuzatsu 2.3.2

Calculates code complexity as a measure of paths through code execution. CI integration...

261,444 下载

brief 1.17.14

Brief is a library for developing applications whose primary interface is the text editor

259,284 下载

bullet_train-roles 1.7.14

Yaml-backed ApplicationHash for CanCan Roles

254,192 下载

servicenow-api 0.2.0

Ruby wrapper for the ServiceNow REST API (formerly servicenow-ruby)

247,826 下载

magic-admin 1.0.0

The Magic Admin Ruby provides convenient ways for developers to interact with Magic API...

243,629 下载

analyst 1.2.4

A nice API for interacting with parsed Ruby source code.

240,783 下载

rails_amp 0.2.2

RailsAmp is a Ruby on Rails plugin that makes it easy to build views for AMP(Accelerate...

240,160 下载

decidim-dev 0.28.1

Utilities and tools we need to develop Decidim

238,032 下载

graphql-active_record 2.2.2

Active Record Helpers for graphql-ruby

236,969 下载

query_track 0.0.14

Finding time-consuming database queries for ActiveRecord-based Rails Apps

236,201 下载

chanko 3.0.0

Chanko is a Rails extension tool

235,249 下载

footrest 0.5.7

Ruby interface for restful APIs

231,386 下载

fat_zebra 3.2.9

Provides integration with the Fat Zebra internet payment gateway (, in...

231,173 下载

下载总量 332,076,836

这个版本 174,878,078



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.4.0
