RubyGems Navigation menu

byebug 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 byebug

adminpanel 3.6.1

Gem that focus on making a public site's resources very quickly while being very config...

230,299 下載

biodiversity 5.9.1

Parsing tool for biodiversity informatics

226,961 下載

api_resource 0.6.25

A replacement for ActiveResource for RESTful APIs that handles associated object and mu...

225,220 下載

filecluster 0.6.1

Distributed storage

222,669 下載

govuk_tech_docs 3.5.0

Gem to distribute the GOV.UK Tech Docs Template. See

221,040 下載

hoodoo 4.0.0

Simplify the implementation of consistent services within an API-based software platform.

220,091 下載

breakers 0.7.1

This is a Faraday middleware that detects backend outages and reacts to them

217,531 下載

pulitzer 0.15.31

A content management system that works with your view templates. Keep the presses hot!

216,095 下載

decidim-bulletin_board 0.24.4

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

213,030 下載

erp_integration 0.48.0

Connects Mejuri with third-party ERP vendors

211,991 下載

bridge_api 0.3.2

Ruby gem for interacting with the bridge API

210,785 下載

fractional 1.2.1

Fractional is a Ruby library for parsing fractions.

210,098 下載

platform_sh 0.2.11 helper gem to ease interacting with the environment

208,118 下載

ostruct-sanitizer 0.7.0

Provides Rails-like sanitization rules for OpenStruct fields.

208,024 下載

ar-query-matchers 0.8.0

These RSpec matchers allow guarding against N+1 queries by specifying exactly how many ...

207,192 下載

omniauth-canvas 2.0.0

OmniAuth Oauth2 strategy for Instructure Canvas.

207,022 下載

promoter 0.9.5

promoter is a wrapper for the REST API

205,284 下載

formatos-febraban 0.3.64

Formatos para envio e recebimento de dados bancários da FEBRABAN

199,510 下載

masamune 0.19.1

Hybrid Data & Work Flow

198,761 下載

jsender 2.2.0

JSender facilitates a simple jsend implementation for ruby with json and rack helpers

197,165 下載

soar_sc_core 3.0.3

Service component core aggregations for simple inclusion into service components

196,812 下載

schema_to_scaffold 0.8.2

Command line app which parses a schema.rb file obtained from your rails repo or by runn...

194,075 下載

smart_init 5.0.2

A smart DSL for ruby initializers boilerplate

193,120 下載

activemodel-associations 0.2.0

ActiveRecord Association Helper for PORO (Plain Old Ruby Object)

192,665 下載

cache_crispies 1.4.0

Fast Rails serializer with built-in caching

191,762 下載

version_compare 0.2.0

VersionCompare simplifies comparison of version numbers with other version numbers. It ...

191,046 下載

jsonapi_swagger_helpers 0.6.6

Requires jsonapi_suite of libraries

189,232 下載

mail-gpg 0.4.4

GPG/MIME encryption plugin for the Ruby Mail Library This tiny gem adds GPG capabilitie...

188,889 下載

forty_facets 0.2.1

FortyFacets lets you easily build explorative search interfaces based on fields of your...

186,566 下載

honey_format 0.27.0

Proper objects for CSV headers and rows, convert column values, filter columns and rows...

186,267 下載

總下載次數 332,479,183

這個版本 175,251,136



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.4.0
