capistrano-ext 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 capistrano-ext
capones_recipes 1.20.1
A collection of usefull capistrano recipes used by CyT GmbH and others.
329,146 下载
crossroads_capistrano 1.4.50
A Crossroads Foundation collection of generic capistrano recipes.
242,174 下载
capistrano-ash 1.4.1
August Ash recipes for Capistrano
206,575 下载
kstrano 1.3.0
Deploying symfony2 applications for the kDeploy server setup.
204,279 下载
Capistrano recipe for a deployment workflow based on git tags in MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION.B...
162,220 下载
provizioning 0.9.19
Puppet server provisioning tools, recipes and templates
148,523 下载
ms_deploy 0.3.6
capistrano deployment task for my projects
98,689 下载
xendeploy 0.20
Building on the backs of Capistrano and Deprec, this is a collection of Recipes and oth...
92,788 下载
factorylabs-fdlcap 0.3.28
a set of capistrano recipies we use regularly at Factory Design Labs
91,490 下载
fdlcap 0.4.17
a set of capistrano recipies we use regularly at Factory Design Labs
91,058 下载
dark-capistrano-recipes 0.8.4
Extend the Capistrano gem with these useful recipes
74,836 下载
cap-elb 0.2.0
Capistrano can perform tasks on the EC2 instances managed by named Amazon ELB instances...
67,392 下载
deprec-core 3.1.15
deprec-core was extracted from the popular deprec gem to make it easier for people to p...
58,167 下载
capistrano-detect-migrations 0.6.3
Capistrano Detect Migrations lets you detect pending Rails migrations before you deploy...
53,524 下载
porter 1.2.4
Capistrano and Rake tasks for cloning production and/or staging databases and assets to...
50,544 下载
itrigga-cap_deploy 0.2.6
Provides - handy filesystem utility methods - common capistrano tasks - com...
48,661 下载
Hatimeria capistrano deployment.
44,138 下载
projectdx_pipeline 1.3.6
Common pipeline tasks and libraries to be used for all components of the ProjectDX plat...
38,841 下载
capistrano-wp 0.5.0
Recipes for deploying and maintaining remote WordPress installations with Capistrano. ...
32,537 下载
deployable 0.1.0
This library contains commonly used capistrano tasks, a couple of default recipes and e...
32,060 下载
ricodigo-capistrano-recipes 0.1.8
our capistrano recipes. forked from capistrano-recipes
31,992 下载
app_maint 0.1.0
Provides usefull capistrano recipes for application maintenance
29,163 下载
capistrano-recipes 0.8.0
Extend the Capistrano gem with these useful recipes
28,946 下载
aktion_cap 0.1.3
Contains all require deployment gems, recipes and rake tasks
23,017 下载
This project provides libraries of Capistrano tasks and extensions to remove the...
21,935 下载
yiifony 0.0.6
Yii deployment with capistrano, useful tasks, rollback deployment and more
19,651 下载
yiifony 0.0.6
Yii deployment with capistrano, useful tasks, rollback deployment and more
19,651 下载
yiifony 0.0.6
Yii deployment with capistrano, useful tasks, rollback deployment and more
19,651 下载
omeka-recipes 0.5.2
Capistrano recipes for Omeka
19,038 下载
halfday 0.1.3
Collection of Capistrano recipes - Deploy. Then, take a halfday.
12,744 下载