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capistrano-rails 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 capistrano-rails

capistrano-rails-tail-log 0.1.0

Tail rails logs from server.

237,562 下載

capistrano-rails-collection 0.1.0

Rails specific Capistrano tasks which are not part of the official rails gem

231,617 下載

magic_recipes_two 0.0.95

MagicRecipesTwo contains our most used deployment recipes for Capistrano-3.

212,161 下載

capsum 1.1.7

Collect gems and recipes related capistrano.

188,132 下載

failuregem 1.4

A simple Gem that includes everything you need to start right away with Rails programmi...

169,498 下載

negroku 2.8.6

Deploy applications right out of the box using nginx, unicorn, bower, rails, etc

158,900 下載

capistrano-rails-db 0.0.2

Rails migration tasks for Capistrano v3

157,381 下載

prun-ops 0.3.1

Encapsulates Operations commands for Rails Applications: Deploy, Diagnose, Monitoring, ...

98,505 下載

capistrano-rails-logs-tail 1.0.5

A capistrano task to tail logs from Ruby on Rails server.

86,470 下載

pvcglue 0.9.6

PVC_Glue description

84,631 下載

caploy 2.0.0

capistrano deployment helpling

79,696 下載

openteam-capistrano 1.0.18

OpenTeam common capistrano3 recipe

78,898 下載

capun 0.0.37

Opinionated Rails deployment solution with CAPistrano, Unicorn and Nginx. It helps to m...

78,821 下載

madscience 0.0.29

Install the current versions of the MadScience stack. This stack includes Vagrant, Chef...

70,573 下載

h2ocube_rails_development 0.7.1

Just a collection for development gems

68,072 下載

deploy_mate 0.26.3

This is how we deploy around here.

64,648 下載

sidekiq-cron-tasks 0.4.0

Adds tasks for Sidekiq Cron loading

56,137 下載

panter-rails-deploy 1.4.1

Capistrano setup for Panter Rails Hosting

51,446 下載

underglow 0.2.1

A library that makes life easier.

46,773 下載

vpsb 1.1.8

From instalation server and configure to deploy

46,507 下載

capistrano-cluster 0.0.18

Setup tasks and role additions for capistrano

24,532 下載

family_gallery 0.0.8

A picture gallery supporting tagging, groups and much more.

20,719 下載

beerify 0.2.0

The rails engine which lets you the time to drink some beers!

17,545 下載

silvermind_deployment 0.0.9

Simplified Deployment using Capistrano, Unicorn and Eye

16,861 下載

capistrano-rails-synchronizer 0.4.0

Rails specific Capistrano tasks to synchonize stages

15,839 下載

capistrano3-newrelic 0.0.11

Capistrano v3 task for New Relic notification about deployment

15,445 下載

capistrano-v3-newrelic 0.0.7

Capistrano v3 task for New Relic notification about deployment

15,354 下載

locum-best-practices 0.4.5

Contains deploy configuration

15,249 下載

capistrano-uberspace 1.1.2

uberspace support for your rails app for Capistrano 3.x

13,325 下載

capistrano-alchemy 2.0.0

Capistrano Tasks for AlchemyCMS.

12,160 下載

總下載次數 30,836,271

這個版本 1,283,098



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