capybara-firebug 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 capybara-firebug
konacha 4.0.0
Konacha is a Rails engine that allows you to test your JavaScript with the mocha test f...
1,155,454 下載
acceptance_test 1.11.7
Description: simplifies congiguration and run of acceptance tests.
352,197 下載
mercury-rails 0.9.0
A fully featured and advanced HTML5 WYSIWYG editor written in CoffeeScript on top of th...
125,280 下載
kiteditor 1.0.25
This is a fork of the wonderful Mercury Rails WYSIWYG editor, modified very slightly fo...
63,897 下載
bcms_garment_district 0.1.2
Allow Markdown and Textile to be used for BrowserCMS content.
25,810 下載
bermuda 0.0.4
Provides cucumber step definitions for testing jQuery UI widget interactions with capybara
20,924 下載
date-input-rails 0.0.3
Rails support for with a jQuery UI datepicker polyfill
19,598 下載
capybara_rails 0.0.3
A binding for the built-in Rails integration testing that allows for calling the Capyba...
14,324 下載
kuji-mercury-rails 0.3.3
A fully featured and advanced HTML5 WYSIWYG editor written in CoffeeScript on top of th...
7,643 下載
matcha 0.9.0
Unit test your Rails JavaScript with the mocha test framework and chai assertion library
4,441 下載