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cartup 0.1.4

Cartup is the easyest way to share prebuilts Carthage frameworks between our projects. The main propose of this gem is uploading the Carthage prebuilts to a cloud storage like, drive, onedrive, dropbox or google cloud. To know more how to make prebuilts with Carthage please follow the link about how to do it: Currently, the main problem is because only github projects could upload a prebuilts frameworks and distrubuite them using a great github tool called "RELEASES"( automatically. To people like me who the majority of our clients using Bitbucket the all process should be done manually. So you should upload the prebuilts frameworks on some sort of cloud storage and manage the version using a JSON file and upload manually and because that the gem was born! To the people like me who are a bit lazy and do not like to do manual job, this is for you!!! So, in a head line: Our gem wants to make the process of distribution of prebuild carthage binaries easier through the most popular storage cloud. One big thanks for my friend and brother [Rafael Ferreira]( that make the initials scripts(Shell and Ruby) and that's give me Ideia to bring it to a ruby class struct and RubyGem to distribute to every body!

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  1. 1.0.1 - March 23, 2018 (58.5 KB)
  2. 1.0.0 - March 21, 2018 (58.5 KB)
  3. - March 19, 2018 (57 KB)
  4. 0.1.7 - March 05, 2018 (57 KB)
  5. 0.1.6 - February 10, 2018 (13 KB)
  6. 0.1.4 - February 10, 2018 (13.5 KB)
Show all versions (11 total)

Development Dependencies (5):

bundler ~> 1.16
json ~> 2.1
minitest ~> 5.0
rake ~> 10.0



  • Douglas Mendes, Rafael Ferreria

SHA 256 checksum:

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Total downloads 18,569

For this version 1,740

Version Released:



Required Ruby Version: >= 0
