chatwork 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 chatwork
fluent-plugin-chatwork 2.0.3
fluentd output plugin for post to chatwork
19,024 下載
chatwork_to_slack 0.1.2
export ChatWork( logs to Slack CSV format
7,133 下載
chatworkify 0.1.2
Publish deployment notifications to Chatwork via the API
5,910 下載
circleci_notify 0.0.1
Notification when finished Build on CircleCI
3,733 下載
ruboty-chatwork_webhook 0.1.1
An ruboty adapter for Chatwork webhook.
3,562 下載
lita-chatwork 0.0.1
A ChatWork adapter for Lita.
3,499 下載
gaf 1.1.1
Create githook webhook and management pull request on worksheet
3,454 下載
danger-chatwork 0.0.1
Notify danger reports to ChatWork.
2,171 下載