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chef 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 chef

chef-handler-datadog 0.15.0

This Handler will report the events and metrics for a chef-client run to Datadog.

34,554,371 下载

chef-handler-graphite 1.2.0

Push reporting stats to Graphite

14,324,671 下载

berkshelf 8.0.15

Manages a Chef cookbook's dependencies

7,799,233 下载

chefspec 9.3.8

ChefSpec is a unit testing and resource coverage (code coverage) framework for testing ...

4,588,495 下载

busser-rspec 0.7.6

A Busser runner plugin for RSpec

3,609,645 下载

minitest-chef-handler 1.1.0

Run minitest suites after your Chef recipes to check the status of your system.

3,585,585 下载

busser-rspec_datadog 0.8.7

A Busser runner plugin for RSpec

3,048,071 下载

fauxhai-ng 9.3.0

Easily mock out ohai data

2,728,342 下载

fauxhai 7.4.0

Easily mock out ohai data

2,664,460 下载

berkshelf-api-client 4.0.1

API Client for communicating with a Berkshelf API server

2,331,994 下载

chef-handler-slack 0.1.0

Chef reports generated to a channel in Slack

2,244,599 下载

knife-windows 4.0.7

Plugin that adds functionality to Chef's Knife CLI for configuring/interacting with nod...

1,393,870 下载

chef-cli 5.6.16

A streamlined development and deployment workflow for Chef platform.

1,363,644 下载

knife-solo 0.7.0

Handles bootstrapping, running chef solo, rsyncing cookbooks etc

1,302,861 下载

airbrake_handler 0.5.0

Chef handler for sending exceptions to Airbrake

1,031,508 下载

knife 18.6.13

The knife CLI for Chef Infra.

808,193 下载

chef-solr 10.30.4

Vendored Apache Solr for use with Chef Server

725,084 下载

chef-encrypted-attributes 0.9.0

Chef plugin to add Node encrypted attributes support using client keys

532,333 下载

chef-helpers 0.1.1

A collection of helper methods to use in Opscode Chef recipes

523,621 下载

chef-handler-sns 2.1.0

Chef report handler to send Amazon SNS notifications on failures or changes, includes I...

428,169 下载

capistrano-chef 1.0.0

Allows Capistrano to use Chef data for deployment

396,676 下载

knife-zero 2.5.2

Run chef-client at remote node with chef-zero(local-mode) via HTTP over SSH port foward...

389,519 下载

chef-handler-profiler 0.0.2

Report on the run time of cookbooks, recipes, and resources

371,214 下载

knife-spork 1.7.3

KnifeSpork is a workflow plugin for Chef::Knife which helps multiple developers work on...

366,552 下载

ironfan 6.1.9

Ironfan allows you to orchestrate not just systems, but clusters of machines. It includ...

316,831 下载

sambot 0.1.229

# Sambot Sambot is our internal Platform Engineering toolchain to help standardize and...

311,761 下载

chef-dk 4.13.3

A streamlined development and deployment workflow for Chef platform.

303,290 下载

chef-bin 18.6.2

Chef-branded binstubs for chef-client

293,162 下载

knife-essentials 1.5.6

Universal knife verbs that work with your Chef repository

269,922 下载

knife-cookbook-doc 0.31.1

Knife plugin to generate for a cookbook

265,429 下载

下载总量 25,178,613

这个版本 22,722




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 3.0.3
