RubyGems Navigation menu

chef 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 chef

chef-handler-opsmatic 0.0.20

Chef report handler for sending run detail information to Opsmatic

264,759 下載

dpl-chef_supermarket 1.10.16

deploy tool abstraction for clients

226,403 下載

chef-provisioning-vsphere 2.3.1

Provisioner for creating vSphere VM instances in Chef Provisioning.

221,209 下載

knife-push 2.0.1

Knife plugin for Chef Push Jobs

171,948 下載

compat_resource 12.10.7

Bring some new features of Chef 12.5 to previous 12.X releases

167,230 下載

knife-backup 0.0.12

Chef knife plugins to help backup and restore chef servers

161,638 下載

kitchen_hooks 2.1.1

GitLab WebHoook for automated Chef Server uploads.

154,644 下載

knife-rackspace 2.0.2

Rackspace Support for Chef's Knife Command

153,313 下載

halite 1.8.2

A set of helpers to write Chef cookbooks as Ruby gems.

148,754 下載

knife-ec-backup 3.0.1

Backup and Restore of Enterprise Chef

140,126 下載

poise 2.8.2

Helpers for writing extensible Chef cookbooks.

132,860 下載

knife-inspect 0.16.1

knife-inspect is a knife plugin to compare the content of your Chef repository and Chef...

129,927 下載

knife-attribute 1.1.0

Manipulate Chef attributes via Knife

128,304 下載

abiquo-chef-agent 2.0.11

Abiquo Chef Agent

127,440 下載

cicd-builder 0.9.64

Jenkins builder task for Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery artifact promotion ...

127,015 下載

batali 0.5.0


125,618 下載

builderator 2.1.1

Builderator automates many of the common steps required to build VMs and images with Ch...

124,318 下載

stemcell 0.15.0

A tool for launching and bootstrapping EC2 instances

117,687 下載

cheftacular 2.15.5

Ruby gem for managing a chef stack. Primarily targetted towards rails stacks and is des...

114,909 下載

chef-attribute-validator 0.9.0

Define, enforce, and handle violations of validation rules for Chef node attributes. T...

107,841 下載

knife-joyent 0.4.14

Joyent CloudAPI Support for Chef's Knife Command

103,110 下載

soloist 1.0.3

Makes running chef-solo easy.

102,571 下載

knife-supermarket 0.3.0

Knife support for interacting with Chef Supermarkets

102,289 下載

knife-google 5.0.11

Google Compute Engine Support for Chef's Knife Command

99,230 下載

spiceweasel 2.8.0

Provides a CLI tool for generating knife commands to build Chef-managed infrastructure ...

97,138 下載

knife-cloud 4.0.15

knife-cloud plugin

91,423 下載

knife-cleanup 0.0.5

Chef knife plugin to help cleanup unused versions of cookbooks from a chef server

88,846 下載

knife-chop 0.12.18

Knife plugin to assist with the upload and sync of Chef server assets like roles, envir...

86,797 下載

seiso-import_chef 0.13.3

Currently supports importing Chef nodes as Seiso machines.

83,177 下載

knife-xapi 0.6.1

Xen API Support for Chef's Knife Command

81,149 下載

總下載次數 25,179,192

這個版本 22,874




Ruby 版本需求: >= 3.0.3
