chef 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 chef
chef-apply 0.9.6
Ad-hoc management of individual nodes and devices.
79,488 下載
knife-cloudstack-fog 0.6.0
Support for the Chef Knife command, leveraging FOG, for the Apache CloudStack / Citrix ...
78,359 下載
knife-digital_ocean 2.6.0
A plugin for chef's knife to manage instances of DigitalOcean servers
77,271 下載
cuken 0.1.22
Reusable Cucumber steps and API for post-convergence system integration descriptions
76,922 下載
cuken 0.1.22
Reusable Cucumber steps and API for post-convergence system integration descriptions
76,922 下載
knife-flip 0.1.9
A knife plugin to move a node, or all nodes in a role or environment, to a specific env...
75,567 下載
cookbook-release 2.0.0
Provide primitives (and rake tasks) to release a cookbook
75,302 下載
knife-softlayer 0.4.7
A knife plugin for launching and bootstrapping instances in the IBM SoftLayer cloud.
73,003 下載
madscience 0.0.29
Install the current versions of the MadScience stack. This stack includes Vagrant, Chef...
72,934 下載
chef-metal-fog 0.9
Driver for creating Fog instances in Chef Metal.
72,191 下載
veronic 0.0.32
A simple cloud deployer
69,749 下載
secure_data_bag 3.0.5
# SecureDataBag / Knife Secure Bag Knife Secure Bag provides a consistent interface to...
69,313 下載
tvd-tvdinner 0.0.27
Generates a tvdinner project
66,617 下載
travis-chef 0.0.16
Script to automate Chef deployments from Travis
65,689 下載
meez 0.2.7
`Meez` (slang for `mise en place`) will create an opinionated chef cookbook skeleton co...
64,524 下載
baton 0.7.0
64,178 下載
chef-undev 0.2.6
Chef client patches for undev
62,984 下載
knife-whisk 2.0.2
A utility for quickly whipping up new servers in a team environment
62,117 下載
knife-brightbox 0.9.0
Plugin to add support for Brightbox's Cloud service to Chef's Knife command
56,707 下載
knife-nodefu 0.9.0
A knife plugin for simple node creation automation
56,409 下載
chef_knives 0.7.1
Unofficial Chef Server scripts and related stuff.
54,511 下載
knife-cfn 0.1.12
CloudFormation Support for Chef's Knife Command
53,629 下載
knife-server 1.4.0
Chef Knife plugin to bootstrap Chef Servers
52,965 下載
health_inspector 0.5.2
A tool to inspect your chef repo as is compares to what is on your chef server
52,352 下載
knife-preflight 0.1.8
Knife plugin for checking what your cookbook changes will affect
52,338 下載
chef-rabbit 1.0.13
= DESCRIPTION: Provides a Chef handler which can report run status, including any chan...
51,792 下載
knife-setup 1.1.1
Allows you to bootsrap machine and set role and env.
50,777 下載
ssp 0.6.6
The SSP gem provides various command line tools that Secret Sauce Partners, Inc. uses...
50,516 下載
mixlibrary-core 0.0.15
MixLib for creating Core libraries in ruby for automating machines. This is an abstrac...
50,491 下載
mixlibrary-core 0.0.15
MixLib for creating Core libraries in ruby for automating machines. This is an abstrac...
50,491 下載