Dependencias inversas para chingu La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren chingu
fidgit 0.2.6
Fidgit is a GUI library built on Gosu/Chingu
77.049 Descargas
chingu_vectors 1.1.1
A Chingu trait that handles game object movement via vectors. Speed and hastening are i...
20.119 Descargas
lunar_lander 0.0.4
Ruby version of 1979 Atari video game Lunar Lander
15.555 Descargas
ehb_game_lib 0.4.0
EHB's game library for Ruby
14.225 Descargas
smash_and_grab 0.0.6alpha
Turn-based isometric heist game
11.698 Descargas
ruby_armor 0.0.5alpha
GUI interface for RubyWarrior
9.453 Descargas
spacewar 0.0.2
A brave group-effort by the gentlemen at Ottawa.rb (aka OGRE), spacewar is a legitimate...
7.947 Descargas
staff 0.0.1
A ruby-roguelike framework
3.580 Descargas
colstrom-fidgit 0.2.7
Fidgit is a GUI library built on Gosu/Chingu
2.699 Descargas
colstrom-ruby_armor 0.0.6
colstrom's fork of Spooner/ruby_armor
2.678 Descargas