Dépendances inversées pour chipmunk Latest version of the following gems require chipmunk
gosu_extensions 0.3.8
Default extensions built onto the popular Gosu Framework. Uses Chipmunk for game physic...
188 921 Téléchargements
gamebox 0.5.5
Framework for building and distributing games using Gosu
98 181 Téléchargements
metro 0.3.6
Metro is a 2D Gaming framework built around gosu (game development library). Metro ...
93 211 Téléchargements
kawaii 0.1.1
kawaii provides a tiny game library that extends gosu
7 400 Téléchargements
chippunk 0.0.0
No long description available but is probably coming soon
5 316 Téléchargements
shirokuro 0.0.1
Gosu helper lib
3 177 Téléchargements