cinch 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 cinch
logstash-input-irc 3.0.7
This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
1,103,332 下載
logstash-output-irc 3.0.6
This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
1,094,131 下載
descartes 0.9.2
A serious modular ruby IRC bot.
220,454 下載
kag-gather 1.5.11
A bot for starting and managing KAG Gather matches
131,934 下載
botemon 0.8
IRC bot for Pokéfags with (Poké|Ability|Item|Move|Moveset)dex and a trivia game.
112,087 下載
zetabot 2.1.2
Zeta is a IRC bot written in ruby using the Cinch Framework
74,155 下載
cinch-twitter 2.0.6
A Twitter plugin for Cinch.
61,888 下載
cinch-title 0.4.0
Plugin for the irc-framework Cinch to output HTML-titles
57,307 下載
cinch-identify 1.7.0
A plugin allowing Cinch bots to automatically identify with services. Supported are Nic...
56,052 下載
cinch-pax-timer 1.0.20
Cinch plugin that allows users to see the relative time till the various PAX events
55,216 下載
cinch-dicebag 1.0.15
Cinch Plugin that allows uses in the channel to roll specific dice or roll a random ass...
54,880 下載
klogger 4.0.0
Log all events generated by Kill Bill.
48,933 下載
cinch-imap 0.1.2
IMAP poller for Cinch Bot
45,522 下載
cogbot 0.1.14
Irc bot based on Cinch
42,654 下載
lita-irc 2.2.0
An IRC adapter for Lita.
41,250 下載
gitall 1.1.28
A git based webhook receiver for GitHub, GitLab, and Gogs
40,593 下載
zabbirc 0.2.2
IRC Bot for Zabbix monitoring
39,235 下載
cinchize 0.4.2
Create dynamic Cinch IRC-bots and daemonize them, without the need of writing any code
37,965 下載
cinch-hangouts 1.1.3
Cinch Plugin to track any Google Hangouts that are linked into the channel
32,905 下載
cinch-deploy 1.1.3
A Cinch plugin to start deploy process via irc messages.
31,989 下載
octospy 0.2.0
Octospy notifies events of github repositories to IRC channels.
29,051 下載
cinch-urbandict 1.0.5
Cinch Plugin to fetch definition data from Urban Dictionary
28,816 下載
cinch-test 0.1.4
A collection of utility methods, mocks and methods for testing Cinch plugins
27,575 下載
cinch_hangman 0.0.7
Let your IRC bot conduct a game of hangman.
27,567 下載
cinch-storage 1.2.1
Simple YAML backed Storage for Cinch plugins.
27,100 下載
cinch-cooldown 1.2.1
This gem allows you to set a shared timer across plugins that are configured to respect...
26,736 下載
tipjar 0.1.196
["A Bitcoin IRC Tip Bot on freenode"]
26,486 下載
cinch-bgg 0.0.7
Gives Cinch IRC bots access to BoardGameGeek data
25,999 下載
cinch-spotify 0.1.2
A spotify plugin for the Cinch IRC framework
23,921 下載
cinch-reddit 1.1.2
This is a simple reddit plugin for the excellent cinch irc bot framework. It provid...
23,509 下載