Dépendances inversées pour cliver Latest version of the following gems require cliver
A Ruby parser written in pure Ruby.
568 966 530 Téléchargements
poltergeist 1.18.1
Poltergeist is a driver for Capybara that allows you to run your tests on a headless We...
36 006 679 Téléchargements
pdf-forms 1.5.2
A Ruby frontend to the pdftk binary, including FDF and XFDF creation. Also works with t...
6 674 821 Téléchargements
pdftotext 0.2.1
A Ruby wrapper for the `pdftotext` command line library
373 220 Téléchargements
kimurai 1.4.0
Modern web scraping framework written in Ruby and based on Capybara/Nokogiri
179 879 Téléchargements
word-to-markdown 1.1.9
Ruby Gem to convert Word documents to markdown.
177 541 Téléchargements
opener-polarity-tagger 3.5.5
Polarity tagger for various languages.
110 107 Téléchargements
opener-language-identifier 4.4.3
Language identifier for human readable text.
97 454 Téléchargements
A Ruby parser written in C
54 625 Téléchargements
opener-pos-tagger-base 2.2.1
POS tagger for Dutch and German using OpenNLP
52 746 Téléchargements
opener-pos-tagger-en-es 2.0.3
POS tagging for English and Spanish
49 771 Téléchargements
tanakai 1.7.5
Maintained fork of Kimurai, a modern web scraping framework written in Ruby and based o...
48 038 Téléchargements
opener-ner-base 3.1.0
Base NER component for languages such as English.
45 385 Téléchargements
opener-tree-tagger 4.1.1
Ruby wrapped KAF based Tree Tagger for 6 languages
41 231 Téléchargements
opener-ned 3.0.1
NED client using DBpedia
34 586 Téléchargements
opener-opinion-detector-base 2.3.1
Base Opinion Detector for english and dutch.
26 641 Téléchargements
site-inspector 3.2.0
Returns information about a domain's technology and capabilities
26 622 Téléchargements
opener-kaf-naf-parser 2.0.3
Parser to translate KAF to NAF and back.
25 628 Téléchargements
iaa 0.2.7
Helps you create IAAs
25 311 Téléchargements
opener-constituent-parser-de 1.2.1
Constituent parser for the German language
21 805 Téléchargements
opener-coreference-base 2.1.1
Coreference resolution for various languages.
17 184 Téléchargements
cucumber-performance-generator 0.0.4
This gem adds to convert a capybara/poltergeist script into a load script usable by the...
12 084 Téléchargements
opener-constituent-parser-nl 1.1.1
Constituent Parser for dutch using Alpino.
11 499 Téléchargements
kamaze-project 1.1.0
A bunch of (rake) tasks to automatize development workflows.
10 393 Téléchargements
poltergeistFork 0.0.4
Poltergeist is a driver for Capybara that allows you to run your tests on a headless We...
8 803 Téléchargements
serinette 0.0.3
Serinette is a library with a strongly opionated approach to generating random music fr...
7 568 Téléchargements
grouik 1.0.2
Simple require file generator
6 286 Téléchargements
undead 0.2.0
Undead gets Dynamic HTML. Dynamic HTML are created by JavaScript.
5 898 Téléchargements
rubium 0.2.0
Headless Chromium Ruby API based on ChromeRemote gem
4 816 Téléchargements
A Ruby parser written in pure Ruby.
3 807 Téléchargements