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cloud_powers 0.2.4

CloudPowers is a wrapper around AWS and in the future, other cloud service Providers. It was developed specifically for the Brain project but hopefully can be used in any other ruby project that needs to use cloud service providers' resources. Version 0.2.3 has a little EC2, S3, SQS, SNS and Kinesis. V 0.2.4 includes a Context a Workflow revamp. Websockets will be next. This project is actively being developed, so more additions, specs and docs will be updated frequently with new funcionality but the gem will follow good practices for versioning. I always welcome input. Enjoy!




  1. 1.1.1 March 27, 2017 (46 ko)
  2. 1.1.0 March 18, 2017 (47,5 ko)
  3. 1.0.1 February 08, 2017 (37,5 ko)
  4. 1.0.0 December 23, 2016 (38 ko)
  5. November 03, 2016 (37 ko)
  6. 0.2.4 October 02, 2016 (24 ko)
Voir toutes les versions (39)

Dépendances de Runtime (6):

aws-sdk ~> 2
dotenv ~> 2.1
httparty ~> 0.14
rubyzip ~> 1.2
zip-zip ~> 0.3

Dépendances de Development (4):

bundler ~> 1.12
byebug ~> 9
rake ~> 10.0
rspec ~> 3.0



  • Adam Phillipps

Total de contrôle SHA 256:


Total de téléchargements 79 280

Pour cette version 2 088

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: ~> 2.3.0
