coerce 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 coerce
sekrets 1.14.0
sekrets is a command line tool and library used to securely manage encrypted files and ...
587,464 下載
mongoid-fts 2.0.0
enable mongodb's new fulltext simply and quickly on your mongoid models, including pagi...
25,841 下載
mongoid-haystack 1.4.2
a mongoid 3 zero-config, zero-integration, POLS pure mongo fulltext solution
24,472 下載
fbomb 4.2.0
description: fbomb kicks the ass
24,396 下載
asana2flowdock 1.3.0
asana2flowdock relays asana events into flowdock awesomely
16,506 下載