RubyGems Navigation menu

colsole 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 colsole

mister_bin 0.7.6

Easily add command line interface to your gems

313,008 下載

kojo 0.4.4

Generate configuration files from templates, using variables and definition files.

268,955 下載

runfile 1.0.2

Build expressive command line utilities for your projects.

122,015 下載

bashly 1.1.10

Generate bash command line tools using YAML configuration

120,187 下載

madness 1.2.0

Start a markdown server in any directory

119,748 下載

rspec_fixtures 0.7.5

Automatic interactive fixtures for rspec

50,391 下載

jobly 1.0.1

Execute background jobs and build tasks on this sidekiq-based job server

50,363 下載

completely 0.6.2

Generate bash completion scripts using simple YAML configuration

49,810 下載

snapcrawl 0.5.4

Snapcrawl is a command line utility for crawling a website and saving screenshots.

43,602 下載

audio_addict 0.4.7

Command line for playlist management and voting for AudioAddict radio networks

34,504 下載

sla 0.3.7

Check for broken links on a website

30,875 下載

madman 0.3.3

A command line utility for markdown fun

30,763 下載

menu_commander 0.2.7

Easily create menus for any command line tool using simple YAML configuration

27,026 下載

rigit 0.3.0

Build project templates with ease

24,583 下載

jossh 0.1.7

Jossh is a wrapper around Ruby Net::SSH with a simpler interface and prettier output

23,629 下載

loadrunner 0.4.4

Run your GitHub webhook server and Send simulated github events

23,214 下載

slacktail 0.3.0

Slacktail is a single-purpose command line utility for following messages sent to your ...

18,106 下載

secret_hub 0.2.2

Command line interface for managing GitHub secrets in bulk

15,488 下載

rspec_approvals 0.9.3

Automatic interactive approvals for rspec

14,896 下載

docspec 0.1.3

Make your READMEs testable

13,664 下載

run-gem-dev 0.3.0

A collection of gem related tasks for Runfile

13,620 下載

victor-cli 0.3.7

CLI for Victor, the SVG Library

12,662 下載

httpme 0.2.2

Command line utility for running a web server for static files with basic authenticatio...

9,894 下載

runfile-exec 0.2.1

A collection of utility methods to run shell commands for Runfile

9,037 下載

recode 0.1.4

Command line utility for refactoring code

6,640 下載

colorly 0.1.5

Command line for generating color palettes

6,631 下載

sasstool 0.2.3

Sass command line renderer with globbing import support

6,191 下載

總下載次數 349,757

這個版本 120,569



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7

新版本需要 MFA: true

使用 MFA 發布的版本: true
