Dépendances inversées pour compass Latest version of the following gems require compass
compass-rails 4.0.0
Integrate Compass into Rails 3.0 and up.
18 005 321 Téléchargements
mailcatcher 0.10.0
MailCatcher runs a super simple SMTP server which catches any message sent to it to...
8 139 094 Téléchargements
faye 1.4.0
Simple pub/sub messaging for the web
5 365 560 Téléchargements
sprockets-sass 1.3.1
When using Sprockets 2.0 with Sass you will eventually run into a pretty big issue. `//...
3 885 257 Téléchargements
jsduck 5.3.4
Documentation generator for Sencha JS frameworks
1 062 530 Téléchargements
compass-blueprint 1.0.0
Compass extension for blueprint css framework
813 698 Téléchargements
compass-normalize 1.5
This simple plugin for Compass enables you to use normalize.css in your stylesheets wit...
700 931 Téléchargements
rbbt-rest 2.0.1
Basic web app controllers and templates
623 089 Téléchargements
sassy-math 1.5.1
Use advanced mathematical functions in Compass.
587 354 Téléchargements
compass-colors 0.9.0
Sass Extensions and color theme templates to make working with colors easier and more m...
537 486 Téléchargements
sassy-buttons 0.2.6
Awesome CSS only buttons using compass and sass
506 233 Téléchargements
middleman-compass 4.0.1
Compass support for Middleman
493 159 Téléchargements
sinatra-support 1.2.2
Sinatra-support includes many helpers for forms, errors and many amazing things.
425 776 Téléchargements
compass-rgbapng 0.2.1
Compass plugin for providing cross-browser compatible RGBA support by creating transpar...
424 850 Téléchargements
lalala-assets 4.1.0.dev.425
Lalala: Probably the best CMS in the world
421 390 Téléchargements
sproutcore 1.11.0
SproutCore is a platform for building native look-and-feel applications on the web. Th...
415 572 Téléchargements
ZURB Foundation ported over to work with the power of Compass.
374 599 Téléchargements
livingstyleguide 2.1.0
Automatically generate beautiful front-end style guides with Sass and Markdown. See htt...
355 823 Téléchargements
compass-960-plugin 0.10.4
The 960 Grid System is an effort to streamline web development workflow by providing co...
319 788 Téléchargements
fancy-buttons 1.2.0
Fancy Buttons helps you easily style buttons with beautiful CSS3 features like gradient...
309 908 Téléchargements
fanforce-plugin-factory 1.6.1
Everything needed to setup a new plugin on Fanforce
307 627 Téléchargements
fanforce-app-factory 1.7.1
Everything needed to setup a new app on Fanforce
288 761 Téléchargements
compass-susy-plugin 0.9
Responsive web design with grids the quick and reliable way.
274 810 Téléchargements
guard-compass 1.1.0
Guard::Compass automatically rebuilds scss|sass files when a modification occurs taking...
274 653 Téléchargements
compass_twitter_bootstrap 2.3.1
Compass/SCSS version of the twitter bootstrap
267 323 Téléchargements
golf 0.7.9
Golf lets you write your interface in terms of reusable, simple components.
256 606 Téléchargements
compass-aurora 3.0.9
Aurora Subthemes!
249 299 Téléchargements
ceaser-easing 0.7
a css transition implementation of the Penner equations based on @matthewlein css conve...
246 830 Téléchargements
animation 0.1.alpha.3
css3 animations plugin for compass, with core animation mixins, and optional defaul ani...
236 609 Téléchargements
compass-blend-modes 0.0.2
Using standard color blending functions in Sass.
223 219 Téléchargements